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Brothers of Briar

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  1. luckydogguy

    New Pipe for me .. Radice Clear "F"

    I just won a beautiful pipe for $80. I cwas wondering if you guys have any feedback on these pipes? I think I got a really good deal. Right? I just got it noday and cleaned it out and sanitized it. I think I will smoke my first bowl tonight in it! :cheers: Lucky
  2. luckydogguy

    Cob pipes

    Good thread Davey. Looks like I'm gonna have to pick me up a cob pipe so's I can get to smokin' some of me tabbaccy in! Won't I? Lucky
  3. luckydogguy

    What's your favorite beer?

    Favorite beer: MGD :cheers: Favorite mocri brew: Lieni's Berry Wiess :cheers: I forgot the other questions. Lucky
  4. luckydogguy

    New (to me) Toy!

    Carlos, Nice piece of equipment. I need something like that come spring time. I have about 4 mowable acres and .... a 24 inch PUSH MOWER! We made do with that for one year. Hopefully we can get something that will save a bit more time this year! Enjoy that my frined! :D Lucky
  5. luckydogguy

    packing larger bowled pipes??

    Do you guys use this technique all the time or just with your bigger bowls? What doe sthis technique do? Thanks, Lucky
  6. luckydogguy

    Humidor impressions?

    here's another site for humidors, big and small: Lucky
  7. luckydogguy

    Humidor impressions?

    Ego, For the money you just can't go wrong with a nice piece like that. But you may want to go bigger! :twisted: I know you may think you won't ever need more than a 300 count humidor....right? .......wrong! :evil: I started out with a 50 ct. and went upto a 150 then a 300 and then...
  8. luckydogguy

    The Joys of E-Bay - Rant - Sorry

    That is the exact reason I wait to leave feedback until I know( as a seller) that the transaction was completed and both prties are happy. I too learned the hard way and had my Paypal account "freezen" for almost 6 months! :evil: It is very frustrating and I can't stand when people try to...
  9. luckydogguy

    Ramon Allones Gigantes - review

    Very nice review. I haven't had the privalige to try this ISOM. Actually I haven't smoked very many ISOM's at all. I've heard that it's a taking a pretty big risk trying to buy these. Can you PM me with some ideas? Thanks, Lucky
  10. luckydogguy

    G.L. Pease 's Maltese Falcon and ROBUSTO?

    CArlos, Thank you! Now I just have to place an order for one......... .............or ten! Now the ROBUSTO? Thnaks, Lucky
  11. luckydogguy


    I can't figure out how to put a picture in here. Help! Lucky
  12. luckydogguy

    G.L. Pease 's Maltese Falcon and ROBUSTO?

    tap.... tap.... tap.... ...Is this thing on? ;) LOL! Lucky
  13. luckydogguy

    G.L. Pease 's Maltese Falcon and ROBUSTO?

    Any feedback on these blends? Being a cigar smoker, I'm wondering what you guys think of the ROBUSTO. I haven't tried it yet but I considering gettin' some. The Maltese Falcon looks preety good also. Thanks, Lucky
  14. luckydogguy

    Beginner Sampler

    A good rule of thumb is to smoke it until the cigar "turns". This happens when the tars and bi-products build up so much that it starts to make the smoke taste bad. Depending on how fast or slow you smoke is also a factor in the equation. The fatser you smoke , the hotter the smoke is and the...
  15. luckydogguy

    Beginner Sampler

    Puff, The boom has come again! Most cigar companies are and have been surpassing their record sales of the 90's! :cheers: Yes, a lot of new brands out there. Some good, some bad! But the ones you mentioned are staples in my humidor with the exception of the Onyx. I prefer the Onyx Reserve...
  16. luckydogguy

    Beginner Sampler

    Jason, I'm glad you like the sampler. A good idea for those cigars would be to let them rest for just a couple of days (maybe 3-4) before you light them up. After a long cold ride they may tend to be on the tight side. The rest will do them good and you may enjoy them better. I'm glad to...
  17. luckydogguy

    Hi from MT in MT

    Welcome, Mark. I look foward to pickin' your brain about pipes and such. Lucky
  18. luckydogguy

    A Noobie's Cellar

    This should get some laugh. Remember I'm new! :oops: G.L Pease- Barbary Coast 2oz. McClelland Black Wood s Flake 2 oz. McClelland St. James Woods 2 oz. Full Virginia Flake 2 oz. Haunted Book Shop 1 oz. Now for the good stuff: Tobacco Galleria- Montego Bay, Night CAp, Blue Note and Midnight...
  19. luckydogguy

    Mikem's cellar

    Very nice stash! Some of you guys are crazy! I like the way you think! :twisted: Lucky
  20. luckydogguy

    Carlos's Cellar

    That is AMAZING! :affraid: Very nice job! Lucky