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Brothers of Briar

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  1. MisterE

    College Grad at 46

    Great job! I've always thought about going back myself. The truth is, old dogs really can learn new tricks! :lol!:  Bravo! :cheers:
  2. MisterE

    What are you smoking?

    Starting my morning with Irish Flake in Dunhill group 3 Apple.
  3. MisterE


    Michael, welcome home. So glad you're on the mend. Don't go scaring us like that again!
  4. MisterE

    To boldly the SUN, baby!

    SPF 50 minimum
  5. MisterE


    Aw man, just when was getting back to his old self! Sending the best of vibes for a for a speedy recovery.
  6. MisterE

    G.L Pease Picks...

    +1 for Ten Russians if you want over the top Lat. My favorite Pease Lat mixture is Westminster. I've always felt that he tends to balance all components pretty well. Nothing he does has the "in your face" quality you might be seeking. That said, I think Sextant would be the closest to a Lat...
  7. MisterE

    Marching Into March Madness! (Bombing Run)

    *Boom* :cheers: 8)
  8. MisterE

    Pickled Onions

    I think they'd fall more in the shallot category. Maybe mature green onions too.
  9. MisterE

    Pickled Onions

    Those are awesome on tacos . Seriously. There's a taco place down the street here that has them with a little Worcestershire sauce mixed in. To die for. :heart:
  10. MisterE

    Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky vs Peter Heinrich's Dark Strong F

    The DSK is a staple for me. There is always an open tin in my rotation. I have a big 200g PH stashed away but I'm just gonna sit on it for a while. I've always felt that the differences between the two might in my imagination, but enough seem to feel them differently that they're prolly right. I...
  11. MisterE

    Shane Ireland it's your birthday!

    Have a great one, Shane! :cheers: I think his duties at SP keep him pretty busy, but hopefully he'll check in soon.
  12. MisterE

    My favourite bespoke Pipes

    Second from the right is :cheers:
  13. MisterE

    Day of mourning

    Unfortunately I cracked the last tin of Beacon I had here about 6 months ago. I will smoke Irish Flake and be there in spirit gents!
  14. MisterE

    You thought it was bad here

    I think the already did.... :lol!:
  15. MisterE

    A live and well in Utah

    Ron! Great to hear from you! The Mormon vibe just might be a salubrious influence! :lol!: Keep us posted.
  16. MisterE

    War Horse Bar

    I seem to remember it being more like a highly pressed crumble cake sorta thing. In the same ballpark as, say, Condor. A pleasure to smoke but a little "ghosty". My impressions are of ONE TIN, so don't take my words too seriously.
  17. MisterE

    My other Larrysson

    I bet it is a fine smoker! Enjoy, Banjo!
  18. MisterE

    Wessex Campaign Dark Flake

    Good stuff! 8)   If you want something slightly milder but in the same ballpark, you might give Solani Silver Flake a try. It's a totally underrated tabac IMO.
  19. MisterE

    MacBaren HH Mature Virginia

    I went through an unmemorable pound of the stuff a few years back. Meh. :|