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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Greenleaf

    Cheap Pipe Lighters: A Comparative Review

    I've always been in the habit of refilling my Zippo every few days, or when the flame begins to diminish in the slightest. Just never risk it, I also keep a spare flint in the insert. Here's why I hate lighters that aren't windproof and durable and why I wouldn't be caught dead with a...
  2. Greenleaf

    What do you do for a living

    I look forward to starting my real career--wait, that'd just be another job to suffer through. Guess I'm really looking forward to retirement--no, I'll just have to work myself to death. Okay, I'm looking forward to my next day off, this Tuesday. That'll do it, and getting my check on Wednesday.
  3. Greenleaf

    Cheap Pipe Lighters: A Comparative Review

    "Why not?" Good reason, lighters can be nifty. I always used chrome cigarette lighters, so it would be nice to have a chrome pipe lighter. But then, I'd have to decide whether to use that lighter or my brass one. I've always bought the same chrome lighter as a replacement--it's a system I've...
  4. Greenleaf


    Hey, hasn't been the same without you.
  5. Greenleaf

    Some pipe pics

    Harlock, that Stanwell is gorgeous.
  6. Greenleaf

    Cheap Pipe Lighters: A Comparative Review

    A question just came to mind: why have more than one lighter?
  7. Greenleaf

    Disposable lighters.

    Used Zippos since I was 17, except I once found myself in a similar situation, and I remember the taste of burning lint.
  8. Greenleaf

    Greetings to all

  9. Greenleaf

    What do you do for a living

    Right, Smokey, it gets old every day. Work was meant to suck, hence the term "work." I'm a night stocker at a supermarket, used to work front end, dairy, and produce. Before that, I was a cashier for seven years, six of them in fast food. Worked nights at a c-store for less than two weeks...
  10. Greenleaf

    Your brand of cleaners?

    Don't remember having tried Longs, maybe I should.
  11. Greenleaf

    Your brand of cleaners?

    I've used Dill's ever since I took up the pipe. The others I've tried are just cheap, flimsy, and messy by comparison. At least I think so. What brand do you use?
  12. Greenleaf

    New Here

    Welcome, belatedly.
  13. Greenleaf

    Cheap Pipe Lighters: A Comparative Review

    Good review, indeed. But, I stand by my pipe Zippo. I've had it for three years and I love it. It's solid brushed brass, which the company no longer makes pipe lighters out of. The trick is to not overfill it in the slightest, or it'll go insane torch on you. Nonetheless, I've never had it...
  14. Greenleaf

    Paragon wax

    Anybody ever use this stuff? Pipemen on the Internet speak highly of it for preventing oxidization on vulcanite stems. I just got a jar of it in the mail for that purpose ($7 for 1 ounce jar-Fine Pipes International). Anyways, any special tips for using it? I'll let y'all know how it works.
  15. Greenleaf

    What are your other Hobbies?

    Reading, drinking, writing, researching, ruminating; all to loud music. I suppose, though, that these things I do are more of a lifestyle or a collection of vices than anything. I also like regular coffee and hanging out with my cat. Nothing "exciting," but certainly enjoyable.
  16. Greenleaf

    My New Tamper

    Never heard of spent casings being used as tampers, but I always see keyrings with cartriges on them for sale at c-stores and such. When I started off on the pipe and didn't know better, I was using my chapstick.
  17. Greenleaf

    Winters Cold Grip.

    I'm a homebody and I always smoke inside, except when walking to work or wherever. What I appreciate most about winter is the smell of cold night air and all the dead vegitation. Nice to just walk down the street at night with the only living thing being me, under the black sky, while smoking...
  18. Greenleaf

    Question About Relighting

    A good way to prevent the need for relights is holding two fingers over the chamber, vertically extended. This channels air into the chamber and increases the burn within a few gentle puffs (puff thusly while doing this). Other than that, I just tamp and relight, dumping ash on occasion...
  19. Greenleaf

    Fourty Years..Smoking

    That's how I started out nine years ago this September--used to always resist using computers. Now I fool around on the Internet every day. It's a wonder some of us made it to one year. Happy 40th, NC.
  20. Greenleaf

    Young(er) guys, don't throw away...

    I'm still young, but I've been tending to lose weight over time rather than gain. Several years ago, I was 152, now I'm steady at 140. I once weighed 130, it took a lot of effort to gain back the weight. I've got a fast metabolism like my three uncles. They're in their fifties and sixties...