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Brothers of Briar

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  1. docwatson

    My 17th? pipe......I lost count already.....I think

    Superb pipe you made there Ron, the finish looks as professional as ever, and the stem treatment is pretty stylish. Great looking pipe, keep up the good work it looks like you are having fun and that's what it's all about. :cheers: :cheers:
  2. docwatson

    erinmore flake...first try

    That's interesting Ron, I think I'll try the same method, change pipes sounds like a good remedy for all tobaccos. BTW, I've never had a bad bowl of tobacco in a cob.
  3. docwatson

    erinmore flake...first try

    Had a few bowls of the Flake yesterday, and while I enjoyed it, I couldn't say that it would become a favorite in my rotation. The quality of leaf looks to be exceptional, the aroma out of the tin delightful, but it was just lacking in something for my palate. I certainly wouldn't degrade it in...
  4. docwatson

    Badger brush?

    PB, Thank You for that information. At those prices I would definitely look up some of your recommendations. I never realized that Boar bristle would soften with use. Just a newbie with using a bristle brush I've only been using my Grand Dad's for about 20 years. LOL After having a full beard...
  5. docwatson

    Badger brush?

    I've been using an old antique Badger bristle brush for years that belonged to my grandfather. It's well worn, extremely soft and looks like the middle is worn out?? I'm not familiar with quality brushes or their cost so I never really did any research on this. This old brush works great, feels...
  6. docwatson

    erinmore flake...first try

    I haven't smoked Erinmore in many years, and it just so happens that on my trip to North Carolina I stopped in at JR Cigars and picked up a tin of flake. I'm letting it dry out presently as it's very moist. From the scent and nice dark flake I'm gonna love it. Like I need more tobacco!!! :D
  7. docwatson

    Pipe 15 Olivewood Calabash Shop Pipe

    Sorry for barging in here, as I've been away for a while and just catching up on some of the posts. Ron I sure as hell can't see any flaws in that pipe. It looks great and like others have stated, the stem is a great match for the Olive wood grain and color shades. Now I have to go back and...
  8. docwatson

    Donald Featherstone dies

    Mr. Featherstone lived in my hometown and this is where he designed and made those Pink Flamingos. My cousin now owns the right to make them so the tradition of pink flamingo flocks will still be seen across the world. Yes, they are shipped worldwide, even to the Caribbean Islands. LOL. Not only...
  9. docwatson

    My Italian Honeymoon Pipe tour, Crazy picture heavy!

    GREAT photos, thanks so much for sharing your experiences with us. You have some great memories and super pipes to enjoy. Cheers. Andy
  10. docwatson

    My 8th Pipe was a Little Luckier

    Haven't been around for a while, many things going on here, family stuff, etc. and while I was away Ron begins a new career in pipe making. That's awesome Ron, love it, pits and all. The finish is fantastic, the stem work terrific. You are a talented man. Thanks for sharing your 8th and most...
  11. docwatson

    Peterson 999 Sterling Pre-Republic

    Al, I love those old Peterson's and for my bite the P-lip stems are great. they are so thin and narrow at the lip they just fit perfectly. Like you said, don't knock it til you try it. Of course they're not for everyone, but neither are fine old briars. Nice vintage pre republic you have there...
  12. docwatson

    The thing about Pease...

    Well Ron, I don't have quite as much a dislike for these blends as you but I can understand your view. Telegraph Hill I enjoy on occasion and his burley blend Barbary Coast is pretty good. I know you don't appreciate burley, so forget about that one. You have always been a connoisseur of the...
  13. docwatson

    want to say hello and a bit about me

    Dabbled in pipe smoking for thirty years!!! Where ya been??? Welcome aboard. :cheers:
  14. docwatson

    Ashton Pebble Grain (1999) Find

    I agree Al, it must have been a morning and afternoon pipe. LOL Those older Ashton's are fine smoking machines and have some great character to the sandblasting. Glad you're enjoying that little bent pebble grain. :cheers:
  15. docwatson

    MSP Area Pipe Show/Swap

    WOW, That looks like it was a spectacular day, Thanks for the photos and review of the show/sale. Tony Soderman has enough stock to hold his own show!! lol You have some great collectors up your way and Rich Lewis is an amazing pipemaker. Glad spring finally arrived for you as it has here in...
  16. docwatson

    MSP Area Pipe Show/Swap

    How about a report there Dave. Hope you all had a wonderful time. See you in Chicago shortly. Andy
  17. docwatson

    Ashton Pebble Grain (1999) Find

    Hope you are enjoying that Ashton pipe Al. I must say that the pipe may have been made after lunch because that's the first Pebble Grain that I've seen in an Old Church stain finish!!! Definitely mis-stamped IMO. Congrats on a fine XX size, and the finest British made pipe ever. Just my...
  18. docwatson

    What are you smoking?

    Thanks Sir, I Love Ashton pipes and the wild and craggy blasts are my favorites. This one has a very unusual grain pattern, the opposite side is quite different as well and IMO the finest British made pipes today. From the very first smoke they are wonderful.
  19. docwatson

    What are you smoking?

    Sorry gents about going off topic here. I'm loading up an Ashton XX Prince made by Jim Craig with some Rattray's 7 Reserve. AC
  20. docwatson

    What are you smoking?

    Nice Punto Oro there Monbla. did you see where Sykes found some unsmoked Punto Oros from Savinelli when he visited Italy recently?? There's about a dozen or more on the site for sale, and the price is UP there. Those are some great looking/smoking briars but IMO $220. each is a...