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Brothers of Briar

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  1. docwatson

    Two small pipes

    Nicely done my friend. The Acorn shape is well defined and although you say that you made them from scraps I'm sure they will be great smokes. There's a great advantage to smaller pipes, being that you can carry them easily and enjoy a short smoke. The old Savinelli "Bent Bobs" were made with...
  2. docwatson

    Chicago International Pipe & Tobacco Show 2014

    Wow Carlos, Blends mixted for cellaring ten years into the future for best flavor!! That's definitely something new. I admire your will power with acquiring but one pipe. Thanks for your reports. Andy
  3. docwatson

    Chicago International Pipe & Tobacco Show 2014

    Seems like you have had a great weekend Carlos, good for you. Between Sutliff tobacco Co. and all of the other tobacco manufacturers there's no reason for anyone to leave empty handed with all the samples that are given away for free.
  4. docwatson

    Chicago International Pipe & Tobacco Show 2014

    Thanks for the update Carlos, have a ball, enjoy the camaraderie. I'll be thinking about the good times you will have there. Glad the weather is obliging. Andy
  5. docwatson

    Chicago International Pipe & Tobacco Show 2014

    Great pipe Carlos. Jerry Crawford make some super pipes, mostly on the smaller size and very well executed designs and sandblasts like the one you bought. Good for you, enjoy. Thanks for the updates on the show, first time I'm not there in years. Andy
  6. docwatson

    Was smoking the Wolgang Becker just before filming began but

    Great video Banjo. I'll be hitting the St. George River in the next few weeks. Water is still too high and cold.
  7. docwatson

    BROKEN PIPE / Dick "Chief Catoonah" Silverman

    We usually meet up at the Firehouse Tobacco shop in Fall River, MA a couple/three times a year with The Chief holding center stage. Dick will surely be missed, a gentle man with a wealth of knowledge in the tobacco industry. Peace Brother.
  8. docwatson

    Damn good stuff!

    Being a lover of good Burley blends I have all 3 of those Uhle's mixtures and your blending recipe sounds fantastic. I'm gonna give 'er a go. Thanks for the info.
  9. docwatson

    Was smoking the Wolgang Becker just before filming began but

    Link does not exist???? Darn.
  10. docwatson

    Microwave Experiment

    Sean, I should have known that you have experimented with this. Glad to hear of your success. Andy
  11. docwatson

    Microwave Experiment

    You mean that no one here uses Fred Hanna's method of baking full tins in an oven for hours at 180 degrees??? Personally I haven't tried it yet but I will. Sure, it's going to change the flavor but I've heard of excellent and tasty results. As for microwave ovens, that's a no no.
  12. docwatson


    Glad to see that it wasn't an Old Boy lift arm lighter, I would've been cussin' something awful. Nice job Ron!!  :lol!: 
  13. docwatson

    Happy 50th Birthday Puff Daddy!

    Happy Birthday PD. Hope your day was a special one, it's certainly a milestone.  :cheers: 
  14. docwatson

    Let's see some fish

    Great looking fish there Stick. Thanks for sharing. Andy
  15. docwatson

    Let's see some fish

    I have old photos that I want to convert to digital format of brookies that I caught in the Northern most region of Quebec. They were 4 1/2 to 5 pound brook trout, and Lake Trout over 50 pounds. The most amazing fresh water fishing I've ever experienced. I returned every year for over 10 years...
  16. docwatson

    Let's see some fish

  17. docwatson

    Let's see some fish

    Those are some amazing salt water fish gents. Here are a couple large mouth bass from mid coast Maine. No comparison to your monsters but still a ball to catch.
  18. docwatson

    Let's see some fish

    Fantastic, I was going to ask if you ate that monster. I can only imagine how delicious it was. You had one hell of a day on the water for sure.  :D 
  19. docwatson

    Let's see some fish

    Now that fish deserves some bragging rights.  :cheers: :cheers: Or should I say the fisherman??? LOL