Heck, I'm doing that now LOL! I'm not going to worry about it, they can not force me to have a cellphone.
Besides by the time that sorta bull comes around I'll be dead and gone.
I'm sorry if you irritated that I don't have a cellphone like everybody else but, it's just not going
to happen no...
Pipe has as a Horn end cap and Cumberland military stem.
Measures approx. 6"L x 2-1/4"H x 1-5/8"W with a 7/8" chamber
1-7/8" deep and weighs 42 gr. $275 + shipping and insurance if one wishes.
Thank you all again for your continued support and patronage.
Small Blasted Rhodesian with Box Elder end cap and black Ebonite Military stem.
Made from Grecian briar and Measures approx. 5-1/4"L x 1-7/8"H x 1-5/8"W with a 3/4" chamber 1-3/8" deep and weighs 36 gr.
Thank you all as always for your continued support and patronage.
I kinda figured that, I remember a few years ago you saying something of the sort. Funny I can remember that but, I can't recall what happened 3 minutes ago, LOL!
Good luck sir and Godspeed to you.
Here it is sporting a Acrylic Dark Amber stem and plug. Measures approx. 7"L x 2-1/4"H x 1-5/8"W
with a 3/4" chamber 1-1/2" deep and weighs 64 gr. Price $300 + shipping and insurance.
Thank you all again for your support and continued patronage.
It sports a Yellow swirl Ebonite saddle stem and measures approximately 5-1/2"L x 1-3/4"H x 2"W with a 7/8" chamber 1-3/8" deep
and weighs 50gr. Price is $275 + shipping and Insur. if wanted.
Thank you all for your continued support and patronage.
Made of Grecian briar and sporting a Black Ebonite saddle stem it measures approx.
5-1/2"L x 1-3/4"H x 2"W with a 3/4" chamber 1-3/8" deep and weighs 54gr.
Price is $275 + shipping and Insur. if wanted. Thank you all again for your continued support
and patronage.
Pipe is made from Grecian briar and measures approx.
5-1/2"L x 1-3/4"H x 2"W with a 3/4" chamber 1-3/8" deep.
It sports a black Ebonite saddle stem and weighs 64 gr.
It does have a tiny pit on top of shank and one on it's base
I didn't even see till after I applied the finish so the price is...
I have a smoke detector (currently disabled).
I don't need to know there's smoke cause I don't smoke in the house and if I did smoke in the house I certainly don't need a silly apparatus telling me.
No fear of burning.
Yeah, after ten years of this I've smoked a few of my for sale pipes and given some away just because lack of interest for one reason or another. Can't figure them out,
2 years ago I sold 3 others very close to this one so quick my head spun, LOL!