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Brothers of Briar

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  1. RDPipes

    For Sale: Blasted Poker Spigot

    Okay, that's fair, although the chamber is only 3/4", I reckon you like the smaller chambers I believe Dunhill offers. And just to clarify, the tenon is only about 5/16" and that's the usual size but, I think my photos just make it look larger then it is. But, even then it's your eye not mine...
  2. RDPipes

    Are you a straight or bent bit/stem person?

    For me it just depends on the pipe, I like some straights but, not all and same goes for bents. Of course if I made them then there all good. ;)
  3. RDPipes

    For Sale: Blasted Poker Spigot

    Okay, What don't you like about the pipe? Usually when it takes this long to sell somethings up and I usually end up smoking it myself and still wonder why. LOL!
  4. RDPipes

    I need to have apps on mobile phone to get discounts in store now.

    Never have to worry about all that garbage, I don't own a cellphone and won't. I think there a worthless play toy for most and I'm not interested in getting lost because of poor GPS or playing candy crush. LOL!
  5. RDPipes

    It's been a while...

    Good to see you back sir, it's a pleasure to see part of the old crew around here once again. Makes it feel like home again.
  6. RDPipes

    Help identify pipe

    Looks like a Savinelli to me.
  7. RDPipes

    For Sale: Blasted Poker Spigot

    Thank you Gentlemen! Timbo, just obey all the rules and you'll be fine. No running with scissors, no running in the house and NO running with this pipe.
  8. RDPipes

    For Sale: Blasted Poker Spigot

    Blasted Poker Spigot made from Strawberry briar. Machined and polished aluminum end cap and tenon.Black German Ebontie stem 6-1/4"L x 2-3/4"H x 1-1/2"W with a 3/4" chamber 2" deep Weighs 42gr Price $275 + shipping & Insur. And as always, thank you for your patronage. ;)
  9. RDPipes

    SOLD: Blasted Bulldog Spigot

    Thank you sir!
  10. RDPipes

    SOLD: Blasted Bulldog Spigot

    Sadly I'm unable to get into my web page, locked out permanently. But, I will have an Instagram page that I'll be using for only viewing the pipes, won't be doing any business through it for now. Anyone can get a hold of me through PM or email and even phone if they've already purchased a pipe...
  11. RDPipes

    SOLD: Blasted Bulldog Spigot

    Thank you Gentlemen! Sale of the pipe is Pending right now.
  12. RDPipes

    SOLD: Blasted Bulldog Spigot

    You really expected something else? Measures approx. 6"L x 2"H x 2"W with a 7/8" chamber 1-3/8" deep. Weighs 56 grams Black Ebonite stem with machined and polished tenon and end cap. Made of Grecian Briar. $275+ shipping, for the time being Insurance is your response ability. Update: I forgot...
  13. RDPipes

    Pipe rack plans

    Sorry sir, when I quit making pipes in Feb 2022 I quit smoking also and got rid of everything to do with it.
  14. RDPipes

    SOLD RDPipes Large Blasted Billiard (2/3/22)

    Rande, You know I've never really like anything I've done to the point I could compare it to someone who really does do a nice pipe. Obviously I think there worth something otherwise I wouldn't sell them for the price I'm getting for them. But, I never seemed to reach where I wanted to be as a...
  15. RDPipes

    SOLD RDPipes Large Blasted Billiard (2/3/22)

    I'm sorry but, Artisan my rear end! I made a decent pipe most the time. Never really knew what color combination I was using because I'm stinking colorblind and out of the hundreds of pipes I made only a handful even pleased me. I guarantee you ask any accomplished pipe maker and he'll (or...
  16. RDPipes

    SOLD RDPipes Large Blasted Billiard (2/3/22)

    I would like nothing more then to continue making pipes but, quitting smoking and the making of pipes has to come to an end. I always knew it was, it was just when was the question.
  17. RDPipes

    SOLD RDPipes Large Blasted Billiard (2/3/22)

    Nope, I'm quitting smoking and making pipes sir. Trust me, no loss will be felt when it's all over.
  18. RDPipes

    SOLD RDPipes Large Blasted Billiard (2/3/22)

    This is probably the last pipe I make so if one wants one of my pipes this is the time to get one. I'm quitting smoking altogether and I can't make them and not crave them at the same time so............
  19. RDPipes

    Does It Matter Where You Sleep?

    Hey! Good to see ya sir!
  20. RDPipes

    Does It Matter Where You Sleep?

    They do it in the summer, fall, spring and winter, they bark for attention because no ones giving them any, and I can barely feed myself without supplying the neighborhood with bones. And if one gets sick and dies or for any other reason they'll all be pointing the finger at me because I've...