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Brothers of Briar

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  1. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    After a lot of rain and wind today, smoking conditions are finally acceptable on the deck. Enjoying some C&D Maestro Pucinni in a Savinelli Estella 315EX with decaf coffee and music on the Bluetooth speaker.
  2. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    2019 Carolina Red Flake in a Savinelli Estella 115EX
  3. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I’m a sucker for the black and white kitties. Here’s my Wolfie, who we got as a kitten along with his litter mate Fritz. They’ll be 3 in April….no longer our little kittens!
  4. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    2017 G&H Dark Flake unscented in a Bertram (120). It’s warmed up enough for deck time without the space heater, but not quite short sleeve weather yet either! Looking forward to this time next mth when I’ll hopefully be out here smoking pipes and cigars with spring weather and playing cards...
  5. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    C&D Maestro Pucinni in a Savinelli Estella 315EX. Looks like SmokingPipes finally sold out of this, and upon closer inspection, so did the rest of the online stores! People finally caught on that this is one of the best Kentucky blends out there right now. A shame that it is a limited release...
  6. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Weather finally hit the upper 40’s today! Don’t even need the seat warmer on the deck but the space heater is still on out here! Smoking 2019 C&D Carolina Red in the Estella 115EX with decaf coffee and some Wes Montgomery on the Bluetooth speaker.
  7. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    C&D Maestro Pucinni in a Savinelli Estella 316EX
  8. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    They make great pipes at an affordable price! I am eyeing up this Rhodesian currently and will perhaps splurge on a birthday gift to myself next month!
  9. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I also have a jar of Brown Flake scented that I didn’t like initially, but after it sat for a few years and then after a little more drying time, I felt it was much more enjoyable. The Rum Flake is a Xmas type blend for me and I love smoking it that time of year. Loved when they made the...
  10. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Enjoying some G&H dark flake scented in a BriarWorks prince. Colombian coffee is in the mug and good music is on the Bluetooth speaker.
  11. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Cold and windy this morning, but not as bad as the 50 mph winds yesterday! Out on the deck trying out a new seat warmer, enjoying some C&D Maestro Pucinni in a Charatan’s Make Authentic, with some Colombian coffee and music on the Bluetooth speaker. Will be taking advantage of having off on this...
  12. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I’m getting over a cold myself, Balisong. Many neti pots and vitamin C/zinc doses later, finally back on the deck enjoying some C&D Maestro Pucinni in an old Stanwell Golden Danish. Dark roast coffee in the mug from the French press and a nice custom playlist of acoustic blues and jazz on the...
  13. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    On the deck smoking some C&D Maestro Puccini in a GBD Collector tugboat shape. The space heater is cranking, the seat warmer is underneath, and the coffee is hot from the French press.
  14. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Smoking some C&D Maestro Pucinni in a Savinelli Estella 511KS. Watching the Texans vs the refs…I mean Chiefs lol! Bracing for another round of snow tomorrow and will likely spend my “day off” on Monday at work shoveling!
  15. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Out on the deck with the space heater pumping, watching a full moon and smoking some C&D Maestro Puccini in a Savinelli Estella 316EX. One of the best Kentucky blends I’ve ever had, and for a longtime Toscano, it really does capture the essence of a Toscano Antico. Very glad I picked up 10...
  16. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Day 2 of Spring Break! Another nice morning on the deck, once again enjoying some Gawith Hoggarth Dark Plug, this time in a Bertram 125. Like Balisong, I’m also sipping some Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee on the side. On the Bluetooth speaker it’s Mike Davis’ “Miles Smiles”.
  17. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Off work for 5 days for Spring Break, and enjoying a beautiful morning out on the deck with some GH Dark Plug in a Charatan’s Make Authentic. Had purchased a sizable amount of well aged Dark Plug from a Brother awhile back, and just got around to slicing off a couple of pieces to enjoy. For me...
  18. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Gawith Hoggarth Dark Flake scented in a Savinelli bent made for and purchased at Main Street Cigar in Bel Air, MD. This was one of the first pipes I ever purchased in 2009 when I started smoking.
  19. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Gawith Hoggarth Dark Flake scented in a Savinelli Estella 511 KS.
  20. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    It’s 2010 Gawith Hoggarth Dark Flake unscented in a Caminetto Business shape 137. I haven’t been on all week, as my cat and best pal of 12.5 yrs Watson passed last Friday at the age of 16. It has been a rough week, and our house feels empty without him. He was a big fan of coming out on the deck...