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Brothers of Briar

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  1. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Smoking some Ken Byron Ventures Mycroft ‘21 in a Savinelli Estella 315 EX
  2. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Enjoying some MacBaren HH Old Dark Fired in a Stanwell Golden Danish
  3. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Solani ABF in a Savinelli Estella 320 KS
  4. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Smoking some Solani Aged Burley Flake in a Caminetto Business. Decaf coffee and tunes to pair. A slight chill in the air put me in the mood for a good burley
  5. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Smoking 2009 Gawith Hoggarth Best Brown #2 in a Tobacconist Inc poker. This pipe was gifted to me several years ago by brewdude as part of a BoB bombing mission. Colombian peaberry coffee fresh from the French press and some tunes on the Bluetooth speaker.
  6. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Having a bowl of Gawith Hoggarth Balkan Mixture in a Peterson Mark Twain. I don’t smoke Latakia blends often, but this pipe is dedicated to such blends, as this was a pipe previously owned by a late friend of mine who smoked a lot of English blends out of it when he was alive. Anyways, Colombian...
  7. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    This morning it’s Ken Byron Ventures Mycroft ‘21 in a big ole Estella 115 EX.
  8. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Enjoying some Ken Byron Ventures Mycroft ‘21 in. Savinelli Estella 515 KS. Decaf coffee and some good tunes to pair!
  9. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Off work for today, so it’s an early morning bowl of 2004 Gawith Hoggarth Dark Flake unscented in a Briar Works prince out on my deck. This pipe is a dedicated Lakeland tobacco pipe, so I’m scratching that itch for a little Dark Flake (scented) this morning!
  10. scottbtdmb

    McClelland Going Out of Business

    I haven’t had those Sutliffe blends mentioned above, but I will say that Watch City’s Simply Red or Rhythm & Blues scratch the itch when I need something with a McClelland like flavor. Their blender Ernie sources the red Virginia from Sutliffe and then does some additional processing which...
  11. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Beautiful evening on the deck with 2004 Gawith Hoggarth Dark Flake unscented in a GBD pedigree. Decaf coffee to drink and Coltrane’s “Impressions” album on the Bluetooth
  12. scottbtdmb

    Gawith Hoggarth News

    Copied this from another pipe forum. Interesting news on the Gawith front quoted from their Facebook page: <<>We recently made the decision to de-list some products that we could not justify keeping on the books. Having seen some comments on social media I thought a brief explanation was...
  13. scottbtdmb

    Does anyone remember George Dibos?

    I just noticed this thread and popped in to say hey George, 3 mths too late. Your comment about that certain heavily moderated/oppressive forum made me legit laugh out loud. When I started getting into pipes in 2009, that forum you speak of was the first one I ever got into. I lasted a week...
  14. scottbtdmb

    Carolina Red flake in stock

    Missed out on this, but was surprised to see that my local B & M had 5 tins when I stopped by this evening. Pulled the trigger on all 5, lol! TAD strikes again! :cheers: :twisted: -Scott
  15. scottbtdmb

    Savinelli Estella

    Thanks Rande. Actually someone recommended warm soapy water with a microfiber cloth. I scrubbed hard for a solid 10 min and finally got it off. Now to exorcise the ghost of Lane 1Q lol! Loading up some Gawith Hoggarth Dark Flake Unscented! Should only take a few bowls to get that ghost out...
  16. scottbtdmb

    Savinelli Estella

    Just received the pipe today. Unfortunately the pipe appears to be covered with these tiny specs. I am including a pic below as I have never seen anything like this before. Any idea what this is and how I would be able to get it off? :al4wdn5y]]<img...
  17. scottbtdmb

    Savinelli Estella

    Back in the day, my favorite pipe was always my Savinelli Estella 316.  There was just something about the way this pipe handled Virginia flakes that was unparalleled!  I stupidly sold the pipe years ago, and after getting back into the hobby last year, I have been searching high and low for...
  18. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    2013 Samuel Gawith Best Brown Flake in a GBD Virgin Collector tugboat pipe
  19. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    GH Rum Flake in a Briar Works prince.
  20. scottbtdmb

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    2009 Gawith Hoggarth Louisiana Flake in a Peterson Dracula