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Brothers of Briar

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  1. pistolero

    New stuff!

    The Rivendell and Old Toby are both REALLY good. Second Breakfast I've only had one bowl of so far but I have to agree with Ranger, it wasn't that great. I tried the Cherokee and I absolutely love the flavor. It's just like super sweet, maybe too sweet even for me. Might take something mild and...
  2. pistolero

    New stuff!

    Thanks. My first try of the stuff from the Squire. Had a bowl of Old Toby last night. Yummy stuff.
  3. pistolero

    New stuff!

    Two packages came yesterday. One from Mississippi: And one from Ireland:
  4. pistolero


    Weber Golden Walnut. Snatched this up off ebay. Don't know anything about them just bought it because I thought it was pretty and the price was right. No way it can smoke as good as it looks. Seller's pics.
  5. pistolero

    How high is too high?

    As long as you're enjoying yourself it's all good no matter how high you are. It's only a "bad trip" when you get scared. ;)
  6. pistolero

    Horrible Pipe [suggestions]

    smokingpipeseu probably has the best selection of 9mm filtered pipes. They are much more popular over there. Pipesandcigars has the 200 count boxes of Stanwell 9mm filters on sale right now for $25. Suppose to have the best draw of all the charcoal filters.
  7. pistolero

    My Observations on the Subject of the P'Lip

    I never tried one until just a couple months ago. Really was sceptical. Now I already have 4 P-lipped Pete Systems and a Savinelli with their version of it. As far as clenching, I can clench them no problem but I don't. Mine are all bents, and they just hang on the bottom teeth effortlessly. You...
  8. pistolero

    How high is too high?

    My Peterson System 302 came in. It's just as beautiful as the pics showed. The drilling where it comes into the bowl is pretty high. Like at the "back" of the bowl, the bottom of wall at the full outside diameter. Hope I am describing that sufficiently. Can't really get a pic of it the inside is...
  9. pistolero

    Pipes. Euro deals.

    Arrived yesterday. Sunny today good for pics:
  10. pistolero

    Pipes. Euro deals.

    Thanks. I love that sandblast. It's a System Standard, in the System line Peterson designates it a "302" but yes, it's the same shape and size as the XL02.
  11. pistolero

    Pipes. Euro deals.

    So then when you go back to after you make your first order they show 5% off everything as a newbie deal. Looking at Pete Systems I saw this and had to have it.
  12. pistolero

    Pipes. Euro deals.

    Anyway it came up to over $40 cheaper to order those from Europe than South Carolina. Both pipes were cheaper on .eu. 15 euro flat shipping worldwide. You can get free shipping at but they charge me sales tax that came to like $14.50 when I put them in the cart to compare. The...
  13. pistolero

    Pipes. Euro deals.

    Well the US dollar and the Euro are right at 1 to 1. Anyway I was looking on at some Savinelli Dry Systems and picked out the one with the best grain. Smokingpipes shows pics of the actual individual pipes for sale. In the cart it goes. While I'm at it why not another 614? Anyway...
  14. pistolero

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    In the middle of my first bowl of C&D Pegasus. In a Peterson Donnegal Rocky XL02. On my back porch with a Budweiser. I like it.
  15. pistolero

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Just had a bowl of Elizabethan Mixture in an old 70's era Dr. Grabow Golden Duke. And it was delicious down to the last puff.
  16. pistolero

    Hello again!

    Welcome back GeoffC!
  17. pistolero

    I'm back!

    We should!
  18. pistolero

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Prince Albert, in a sweet Peterson System Deluxe 8S I got recently, slightly used, on the classifieds on another pipe forum.
  19. pistolero

    NC here

    Welcome, neighbor.
  20. pistolero

    Aging Va/pers

    Pack a jar tight with your tobacco then purge with nitrogen or argon as much as possible. Like for a long time at a slow feed rate. Then vaccum seal it. This would get the most possible oxygen out of it then protect it from any getting in later. Normal tin packaging puts a vacuum seal on the...