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Brothers of Briar

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  1. pistolero

    I'm back!

    So impressed with this pipe. NEVER had a pipe smoke this good new out the box. I'm in love. I already looked at other systems over the webs and bought a slightly previously loved Deluxe System Smooth 8s. Coming from the UK so it won't be here till next week but a pic from the ad she's pretty:
  2. pistolero

    Aging Va/pers

    "Are there discussions how to keep a tobacco fresh, but prevent aging?" I imagine vacuum packing could get you most of the way there. If I was going to pack something for long term storage and keep any chemical reactions from going on in it (that mostly require oxygen) I would look for a way to...
  3. pistolero

    My pipes

    Well done. I like it.
  4. pistolero

    Help buying my first COB
  5. pistolero

    Aging Va/pers

    Even faster? Nice. Thank you!
  6. pistolero

    Aging Va/pers

    Sorry if this is a stupid question but a quick google didn't really answer it and you guys would know better anyway. I smoke 95% codger baccies mostly PA but I do enjoy a va/per as a treat occasionally. I was lucky enough early in my piping journey to encounter the joy of a good va/per and...
  7. pistolero

    Good bourbon or rye from COSTCO for not too much money?

    I don't know anything about Wild Turkey. But if you like bourbon, and rye, and value, have you ever had Old Grand Dad? A great combo of all 3, and a great whiskey. Certainly worth a try. Punches WAY above it's price. I love the plain Jane 80 proof or Bond 100. They have a 114 variety, but I...
  8. pistolero

    Help picking a pipe

    I have to second Swede's recommendation on Rossi. I got a couple of them from for under $50. Estates off ebay can be good deals.
  9. pistolero

    I'm back!

    LOL. Nope.
  10. pistolero

    I'm back!

    Thanks! It's not my first Peterson but it is my first "System" pipe and first P-lip.
  11. pistolero

    I'm back!

    Witness my triumphant return! Been on the road a while. Working too many hours a week. Smoking cigarettes. No time for pipes. I'm back home, got a gig for the time being where I'm home in my own bed every night thank god. Went by Pipes by George in downtown Raleigh today and picked up a couple...
  12. pistolero

    Just a quick hey

    Hey neighbor! 8)
  13. pistolero

    Happy birthday, Ozark Wizard!

    Happy Birthday! Hope you catch a big one! :D
  14. pistolero

    New gig!

    Now I'm on the east side of Baltimore. Just east of Essex. It's OK in the neighborhood I'm in but slums are just down the street. :( Can't smoke indoors where I am now. Been unseasonably warm last couple days but rainy. Anybody know a place to go around here you can burn a bowl?
  15. pistolero

    Just joined from Texas

    Welcome to the brotherhood! I have lived in TX before. So I can understand the desire not to be mistaken for a native Texan. ;) No offense to Texans, I married one, but I got us out of there a while back.
  16. pistolero

    New gig!

    Well I've been sitting at the house since June 20th or so. Got laid off. Got a short term gig starting next week. Gonna be out of town so only home on weekends. Which sucks. The extended-stay type place I have a reservation at has smoking rooms though. So I am looking forward to being able to...
  17. pistolero

    Hello ewerybody!!

  18. pistolero

    A bit of an early Christmas gift to me

    Bout $400 for a pound of tinned tobacco? :( I think I'm gonna be a smuggler. You have a place for me to stay when I make it up there? I'll give you a sweet deal on the weed. :twisted: Now to figure out how to sneak a u-haul trailer full across the border...
  19. pistolero

    New baccies.

    Well, you guys were right. Loaded up my "Va/per pipe" (an old 1970's era Grabow Golden Duke I got unsmoked a few years back. Laugh, but it serves it's purpose quite well) with some rubbed out OGS. Sweet and smooth, from first light to the bottom of the bowl. I am impressed.
  20. pistolero

    New baccies.

    Noticed something interesting about the description on the tin of the Orlik Golden Sliced. On tobaccoreviews they go back and forth about whether there is perique in it or not. The tin description originally mentioned some burley, then at some time it was changed to perique. This new tin...