Yep. Tried the Amphora Va. Like the reviews say, "sharp" and "bright". Sweet, but a little rough. Definitely not smooth like the burley codger blends I'm used to. Not bad, but different.
I like my Va with a little perique. Aged Escudo rules.
Not happening! First two days I put 4 bowls a day through it. Took it apart and dried it out in between as well as possible though. Tasted the bowl coating the first couple smokes but some cake started sticking right away (first time that's happened for me) and this morning it is smoking pretty...
Been looking at Oom Pauls and full bents on ebay. My favorite briar I have so far is the Peterson XL02. I like the way the bent pipes hang. Been wanting a Savinelli 614. Looking on smokingpipes I came across the Rossi pipes. These are made by Savinelli in the same shapes. The Vittoria 8614 is...
Sitting here smoking PA in a Peterson Donegal Rocky XL02. This guy pretty much sums it up:
"I like ma pipe, and I wouldn't like to be without ma pipe, to be honest..."