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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Winslow

    Gin, the best bang for the buck?

    "Gin Lane" from when the first cheap distilled spirits became available to the common man. Gin, cursed Fiend, with Fury fraught, Makes human Race a Prey. It enters by a deadly Draught And steals our Life away. Virtue and Truth, driv'n to Despair Its Rage compells to fly, But...
  2. Winslow

    Happy Birthday MUDDLER!!

    Happy Birthday,keep fishing's all a gift. Winslow :sunny:
  3. Winslow

    ED had them all...and I am sure there are more

    Memories of when I was young and the hell did I live this long doing crazy things like them?Somebody gives you a pill and says "Here,take this and you will find God." And I took it in my madness....crazy,scary now when I look back on it. Winslow :sunny:
  4. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Some Rattrays Hal O' The Wynd in a figural meer,good tobacco for birthday smoke. [/url][/img] Winslow :sunny:
  5. Winslow

    My Humble Collection

    Why do so many threads always get sexed up somehow?The Gunny doesn't like it! Winslow :sunny:
  6. Winslow

    Wow, Winslow is frikkin old!!!!!!!

    Thanks boys for all the good wishes!I went fishing today with the wife right behind our house and caught a few Crappie,smoked a few bowls,and went to my AA group.What a nice day it was. Wife bought me a new meer from Tekin which should show up in another week or so. I don't miss working one...
  7. Winslow

    Help sought for a grand project

    Alas,I have lost my sense of smell to a large degree and sense of taste along with it. It is oncoming Dementia or my wife puts hot sauce on all the food she cooks and that could cause it.I'm sure it's not all the nasal snuff I use. Winslow :bounce:
  8. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Aged Rattrays Hal O The Wynd ina freehand meer by Yanik that resembles a driftwood. Winslow
  9. Winslow

    On Petersons

    Yes Carlos,what you say is true about the dip staining and the straight shapes having a good draw.I have a few Peterson Year pipes that are precious to me,when I go to a wedding or some other formal function this is the baby I take with to smoke;bought it lightly smoked for $105 and will never...
  10. Winslow

    Greetings from Turkey

    Welcome Tekin!Glad to see you are here.I hope some of the boys here will know that you can make them a custom pipe if they ever get the notion. Steve Winslow :sunny:
  11. Winslow

    PPH Surgery

    We did this joke 40 years ago and the guy we pranked used to laugh about it,we weren't mean, just young. I live in Brandermill....just moved in 6 months ago....100 yards from the Swift Creek Resevoir ...pretty area for sure. Steve
  12. Winslow

    PPH Surgery

    There was an old guy at work who had a hemmoroid operation and he had to sit on an inflatable ring for some time.We used to get some laughs by letting most of the air out of his ass tyre and waiting for the scream when he sat down. :twisted: Winslow
  13. Winslow

    Sultan meerschaum pipes

    Nice pipe,I'll bet you will never part with it. Winslow :sunny:
  14. Winslow

    Please Welcome Our Newest Moderator Here @ BoB's

    Congratulations,now guide us to new horizons. 8) Winslow
  15. Winslow

    2010 TAPS Show Was a Great Success!!! (Photos)

    Great photos,I will see some of you boys this fall at the Richmond Show. Winslow :sunny:
  16. Winslow

    %$#@ Me!

    I'll bet she had one of those Jesus fish signs on her trunk.A woman almost killed me once as I turned coming out of work......she had a Jesus fish on her car trunk. :bounce: Winslow :sunny:
  17. Winslow

    A tribute to JUSTPIPES!

    "After him there will be no more". ...............Winslow :sunny:
  18. Winslow

    How long before a new pipe feels like yours?

    It's usually a pretty smooth transition except if I get an estate that is carrying a strong smell of the previous owners tobacco.I smoke mainly Virginias,if I get a pipe that was smoked with heavy English blends I have to remove that smell/taste before I can enjoy it. Winslow :sunny:
  19. Winslow


    We moved to Virginia from Illinois last December,it's 850 miles....probably the same distance as Oklahoma from Virginia.We had a townhouse with the usual furniture and it cost $2700 to have a moving company do it. Winslow :sunny:
  20. Winslow

    Ardor pipes, your thoughts......

    These Ardors are on E-Bay this week,you could easily get one for a nice price; Winslow :sunny: