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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Irish Flake in a Peterson 1998 Year Pipe. Winslow :sunny:
  2. Winslow

    Briar vs Meerschaum

    If you stay in this hobby for a time,your experiences and tastes will change.You may come to love good meerschaums. Meer lined briars are usually cheap unseasoned briar that would taste just horrid,that's why they are lined with meerschaum. My latest meer that smokes like the Devil...
  3. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Devil's Holiday in a Sevket Gezer meer,black cherry soda on the side. 8) Winslow :sunny:
  4. Winslow

    Charatan logo in red?

    Natch,is that an ermine fur collar on the smoking gown you're wearing or is it your whiskers?You look so sad,I feel sorry for you. Winslow :sunny:
  5. Winslow


    Alas,I will not attend this year since I now live in Virginia....but I will attend the Richmond,Va. event in the fall.Hope to see some of you Southrons there. Winslow :sunny:
  6. Winslow

    Charatan logo in red?

    Look here; Winslow :sunny:
  7. Winslow

    Am I missing something?

    There was a diamond inset in the shank,that's one of my old pipes. Winslow :sunny:
  8. Winslow

    AND Meers

    You will get what you pay for from online shops generally.If you want the higher quality artwork carving you have to pay for it or get lucky on an auction.If you want to buy average quality it's cheaper.Look at these sites and decide;
  9. Winslow

    Reply to Special "A" Pipe Question

    Just trying to share the love.I know just about everything about anything. :roll: Winslow :sunny:
  10. Winslow

    Got an old Peterson from the antique shop

    This may help;;_A_Rule_of_Thumb Winslow :sunny:
  11. Winslow

    Special A Pipes from England

    What you have is a GBD brand pipe,see this link for more info; Winslow :sunny:
  12. Winslow

    Meerschaum questions

    Go over to SmokersForum and join the AllThingsMeerschaum social group.There is answers to all your questions there. Probably you have a couple of lower-end pipes which should give you some smoking experience and then you can decide whether or not you wish to go further with the hobby...
  13. Winslow

    Unknown Savinelli Shape

    You may find it here with some digging; Winslow :sunny:
  14. Winslow

    What Are You Reading?

    Great book,I've read most of the stuff written about the Eastern Front....not many people realize what went on there. Winslow :sunny:
  15. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Some Peterson's Connissuers Choice in a XXL Yanik Skull Meer. Winslow :sunny:
  16. Winslow

    Just because

    Cool.... :bounce: Winslow :sunny:
  17. Winslow

    For The Dentally Challenged !!

    When I was a teenager you had to go to the Pharmicist and ask for them,they weren't on display.Very embarassing for a shy lad like me,especially if a woman phamacist waited on you. :oops: You could walk in there and shout "Gimme a pack of Luckies",then whisper "and some Trojans". Today you...
  18. Winslow

    Where Is Winslow???

    I am alive and well,getting adjusted to living in this area.I bought a GPS for my car, without which I would be totally lost.Paralyzing weather here lately,these Southrons can't take it like Yankees.Everything shuts down when a couple inches of snow falls...schools, churches,gyms.... I haven't...
  19. Winslow

    For cat people

    I am a cat person of sorts; Winslow :sunny:
  20. Winslow

    A Thaves Comic

    What does that mean? If you ever get in my neck of the woods PB,we will split a possum together and drink sweet tea. Winslow :sunny: