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Brothers of Briar

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  1. IHT

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    It is perfumed, not typical lakeland essence. To be honest, the first 3rd of the pipe was like air. The pipe in question was mine, it is an HCA Stanwell. Gave it to a co-worker who i went to visit after i got off work. It is also his Grousemoore. He doesn't like the blend, and the pipe had...
  2. IHT

    semi-new here

    I used to have an animated gif of the mummy (this pic) where i made his pupils red and he blinked.
  3. IHT

    semi-new here

  4. IHT

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    SG Grousemoor in a Stanwell churchwarden
  5. IHT

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    1792 in a cob... pleasant n.e. kansas evening. Unseasonably cool and not the standard wind.
  6. IHT

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Been so busy lately.... changed brakes on my sons Honda Civic, finally got home to eat around 8pm. Esoterica Dorchester is Castello old sea rock pot.
  7. IHT

    Binge-worthy TV shows?

    oh, yes, i do that all the time! i normally pull up IMDB and look at the actors profile, then see other shows i've seen them in. ALL. THE. TIME. my wife hates it (but i don't care).
  8. IHT

    Member Map

    i thought the link Carlos posted had info on iMac-thingies? i tried looking for one that's an add-on to phpBB, but couldn't find one. didn't spend much time looking either, was busy at work.
  9. IHT

    Binge-worthy TV shows?

    i edited original post with more info on the shows we've watched. there's probably a few i've forgotten that were quick 1-2 seasons long. have been wanting to watch Counterpart, and all of Deadwood (since i've seen the first few episodes a long time ago), I have tried to watch Black Sails but...
  10. IHT

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    GH Dark Flake (u) in a Stanwell royal prince nosewarmer.
  11. IHT

    Hello from the High Plains

    Welcome from the opposite side of Kansas.
  12. IHT

    Hello from Northern California

    Welcome, from NE Kansas.
  13. IHT

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I like that pipe...  haven't grown used to bit protectors yet. ---- I'm having some Dunhill 3 yr Matured in a Bones Saucer....  before the storms hit Leavenworth.
  14. IHT

    Binge-worthy TV shows?

    Any shows, but looking at a series type, not situational stuff... want a "story" to follow. I'll post a list of what we've watched. Should do this on a computer...
  15. IHT

    Binge-worthy TV shows?

    We watched episode 1 of Bosch. Will probably continue with that when we go camping again in a few weeks.
  16. IHT

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    John Aylesbery (spelling?) Magic Mix In a Savinelli Hercules bent paneled billiard. Baccy was a gift from a co-worker who was tdy to germany, he didn't know what to get. Solid tobacco as far as bulk aro's go. My first "real" pipe...  bought in Dallas around '97.  Smokes awesome, used for Aros.
  17. IHT

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    GL Pease Fillmore in a Viprati 2 clover paneled lovat.
  18. IHT

    Favorite “background music” from a movie.

    Have never given this too much thought. First 2 that come to mind, which is odd for me given my tastes: The Last of the Mohicans soundtrack The Piano soundtrack
  19. IHT

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Have been toting these from desk to desk the past few yrs without proper storing..
  20. IHT

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I've had 3 subarus... should have 4 but wife wanted a Ford Edge over the new Forrester Sport? Anywho.... takin a break at work. Some old Elizabethan Mix in a StanwellRoyal Prine 11 (the reason i re-found this forum - google search on this shape). As a VaPer fan, i've never been wowed by this...