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Brothers of Briar

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  1. IHT


    ditto. :bounce:
  2. IHT

    old fillmore vs. new fillmore

    maybe i've never had "old" fillmore... the stuff i've been smoking (as a fellow va/per whore) has always been super strong in the perique dept with an underlying sweetness to the VAs. when was it first released and did it come in a specific tin??
  3. IHT

    bulk of your pipes

    hmm... hard to go off memory, but i'll try. US carvers tinsky - 1 rad davis - 1 tim west - 1 (and a kit pipe that i'm working on, so maybe 2) cobs - 3 English sasieni - 2 orlik - 1 Danish Stanwell - 4 (maybe more) karl erik - 1 bjarne - 1 nording - 1 Italian cavicchi - 1 mastro de paja - 2...
  4. IHT

    IHTs cellar

  5. IHT

    IHTs cellar

    i take it "" is no longer going to be a website? do any of you know the owner personally and has he expressed those intentions to close the site (not renew it)?
  6. IHT

    Bulk PS Luxury Twist Flake

    Luxury Bullseye Flake is what you're thinking of. decent smoke, very much like Davidoff Flake Medallions in looks and taste. very grassy. i just got in their Luxury navy flake (from a diff. spot - another great tobacco).
  7. IHT


    welcome to BoB. :tongue:
  8. IHT

    2001 Astleys 109 / Thanks PD

    how'd that turn out? i had/have a chance to nab a tin of this from '03 and passed on it so far.
  9. IHT

    Navy Flake????

    this is a really nice blend. how the term "navy flake" came about, i leave that to the historians. :lol: all i know is that this is one of my favorite blends and have another 4 oz on the way, should be here tomorrow (with some much needed pipe cleaners). i prefer this one to "bullseye...
  10. IHT

    European Escudo

    no. they don't taste anything alike. i've gone through 2 tins of dunhill DNR in the past year and many a tin of Escudo (both older smaller tin, and newer paper label, as it's my fav), and had them open at the same time. they are not the same blend. they look close to the same, but taste...
  11. IHT

    Your Absolute Hands Down Favourite Tobacco...

    Escudo, with many other Va/Pers following closely behind.
  12. IHT

    McClelland 2015

    this was our Feb tobacco of the month on another board. a lot of ppl had fresh samples and met difficulties keeping it lit due to moisture. it's good, once it gets burning. i think it's the most "average" at everything, which makes it a very solid smoke.
  13. IHT

    What are you smoking?

    i had my next to last bowl of PCCA BEacon in a Tinsky Forum pipe (of another board i'm a member of - it's a paneled apple/author type shape, oval stem, sandblasted).
  14. IHT

    The Creature From The Black Lagoon

    sounds awesome. i've tried to get my son to kick back with me and watch some old flicks. last couple were the original Rambo and Indiana Jones. i think my wife sold all my classic horror movies on VHS in a garage sale a few years back while i was out of town. i think i had about 50 or so...
  15. IHT

    The simple pleasures of a great place to smoke...

    yes, it is great to have a place to hang out... here in KC, they're slowly allowing each city to pass smoking bans, so we're having to find new areas to get together. btw - great photos on your link. wish i had the time to do it for fun/pleasure and not work related.
  16. IHT

    IHTs cellar

    yep, i only have 1 tin left. and since that photo had been taken, i was sent a half a tin that i have also smoked. it's alright, a step above McC 2015, a little more 'zesty' if you get what i'm saying. and like mike mcniel (of mcclellands) told our guy about possibly making a Va/Per as our...
  17. IHT

    The Creature From The Black Lagoon

    very sad day. those of us that love classic horror movies know that movie well. :face: that movie still scares me. when they're out swimming, and they have a shot underwater, they follow the swimmers and then keep panning down until you see the creatures face. i still jump whenever that...
  18. IHT

    IHTs cellar

    the plumcake was a gift, he had no clue how old it was, he said it had to be from the 80s or earlier. i'm not an expert on aging MacBaren tins, so i'm taking his word for it. the 3 tins between the C&D/GLP stuff is from ( russ oullette: marble cake, virginia spice and...
  19. IHT

    hello, standard newb intro

    thanks, nick. i saw this board a couple weeks ago and just now remembered to come back and join. i see you sold your tinsky. with our small board over there, pipes don't move that fast.
  20. IHT

    IHTs cellar

    and i have an "online cellar" as well, which needs a slight update, too. here's a photo taken back in early Oct. it's changed some since then, gifts going out and coming in (and standard smoking). the stack to the left of the Rattrays are...