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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Frost

    Secret Santa 2012

    Sent a jolly fat man on a mission to deliver a package yesterday afternoon. I duct taped it to his head to make sure he doesn't lose it. :)
  2. Frost


    It's all gross. That said, I just told my family members to go buy all the twinkies they can find. In a decade or so when nobody can find them anymore, I will sell them on ebay for like a billion percent profit. It's not like they will go bad, I can just store them outside. They may even keep...
  3. Frost

    Stanwell bliss

    By and large, at least the older ones can be fairly safely relied upon to be decent to very good. I've had a bunch, and still have a bunch. Only one or two had anything worth complaining about as far as my opinion goes. Even those were relatively minor issues (opening on the button was cut...
  4. Frost

    Frosty's new song

    Thanks Kyle. Yes my vocal range is somewhat limited and frankly I really don't know how to Trying to work on it some though.
  5. Frost

    Frosty's new song

    Worked on another song this weekend: I apologize in advance if anyone's ears are left bleeding :lol: Just wanted to share since it's what I've been doing with the wee bit of free time I manage to steal for myself and I haven't checked in with...
  6. Frost

    Seeing Red

    I've been told at one point that generally speaking, red colored dyes have larger molecules or some such thing, which causes them to be less easily and less complety absorbed by porous surfaces than other colors. Apparently this effect is also often seen with hair dyes. I have no idea as to the...
  7. Frost

    Favorite toilet paper

    I use steel wool, cause im just that hard core. Actually no, we just use whatever is cheapest. I mean after all, your just gonna whipe your arse with it. No sense in flushing any more money than necessary down the toilet, right?
  8. Frost

    Some interesting Charatan info

    Very cool. Charatan definitely had some great shapes. Nice price reference too.
  9. Frost

    Can a Fastball be too Fast?

    Haha...this made me chuckle: "A careful reading of official Major League Baseball Rule 6.08(b) suggests that in this situation, the batter would be considered "hit by pitch", and would be eligible to advance to first base."
  10. Frost

    Some people are disgusting

    Cats have a way of finding their people. And if they find you, it's for a good reason. To paraphrase something I read somewhere's exist halfway between this world and the next. That's always the way it has been in my experience at any rate. We currently have five that have found us...
  11. Frost

    OK, this is weird!

    I wouldn't be too concerned about getting a thread locked away in the asylum if I were you. To quote a relatively little known song by a relatively little known band: "Crazy people are right on" :cheers: :bounce:
  12. Frost

    Screw up # 462

    Wait a sec..I know your older than me Natch. And you claim you only made 462 screw ups? How is that possible? I gotta call bullpoopoo. ;) :lol:
  13. Frost

    Please join me in welcoming...

    Nice! Congrats!
  14. Frost

    Happy Birthday Frost!

    Thanks guys :D You're an awesome bunch. If I could I'd take you all out and buy you a Frosty beverage and maybe even share some birthday cake with Frosting. Instead I think I'll just have several pieces of cake and several beverages in honor of each of you :cheers: I'm still around E and...
  15. Frost

    Worked on this one this weekend Worked on song in the above link this weekend. It's a nice cheesy power ballad type thing. The vocals could stand to be redone and the drums sorta suck as usual, but it'll do ok for a one man basement job. Let me know what you think or if you've got any...
  16. Frost

    Taste AND flavor. WTF!!!!

    "There is no such thing as a synonym" - Tom Robbins (and others) "The meaning of a word is its use in the language" - Ludwig Wittgenstein
  17. Frost

    This actually took me 30 minutes to do.

    Heck man, i havent even caught that many fish in 30 years! :D
  18. Frost

    Making music

    Man i wish I had a bunch of old analog gear to play with. I remember playing with 4 tracks and mixing boards and such in high school...that stuff was so much fun and oftentimes just sounded more warm and "alive" then much of what I hear these days. That said, nowadays it seem computer recording...
  19. Frost

    Making music

    Sweet. I'll check it out later tonight. Gotta go choke somebody at the moment :D
  20. Frost

    Making music

    Thanks for the tip and i kinda get what you mean. The structure is atypical and sometimes I think maybe too much so. It's one of those things that never quite feels finished and always seems like it's missing something. There were other bits and pieces (one of which was a sort of "b" section...