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Brothers of Briar

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  1. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    McClelland's Oriental 1 in a meer
  2. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    PA in a Dane Egg
  3. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    thanks brother---i am really envious of your weather--don't think that will be held against me :D -- don't wish any stormy weather on anyone, but a nice tropical storm could settle over texas for several days, and i doubt it would be too much water-- finished the day with SWR in a Dane Dpool--
  4. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    lucky rascal--2110CT here and it's still a smooth 100*F-- jer
  5. whitebriar

    Anyone else into Black Cavendish?

    used sparingly as a condiment, it's fine for me--cavendish is used in many blends--i tried BCA straight once--wouldn't make a habit of that-- i really like a Good Burley, salted with just a bit of BCA and Latakia--gives it a slightly sweet smokey flavor--if that's an ARO (and i guess it is) i...
  6. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    JKP in a Dane Spool
  7. whitebriar

    pipe tobacco premiums

    i have a Willard (albeit re-stemmed) that i got as premium back in 1958--i didn't have to send off a coupon for it--it was attached to, i believe, two pouches of SWR as a freebie (sorta--the price of the pouches was somewhat higher)-- i remember it because it was my first briar pipe; bought at...
  8. whitebriar

    Shape preferences, is this normal?

    favor bulldogs and rhodies; preferably bent--but i have an assortment of shapes overall in a minimal collection--
  9. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    McC Deep Hollow in a Kaywoodie saddle bit Billiard-- rather sweeter than i had hoped for--
  10. whitebriar

    Military vets?

    Jar, another salute from one who endeavored to seek freedom for Eastern Europe--definitely a joint effort-- grs USASA 1966-70
  11. whitebriar

    Your first pipe: what, when and where?

    besides the cobs that my buddies and i made at about age ten, my first real pipe was a Willard billiard, 1958, a premium with two pouches of Raleigh--bought it at a local drug store; small town in texas--14 years of age, no questions asked-- still smoke Raleigh occasionally; still have the...
  12. whitebriar

    Military vets?

    '66-'70--US Army Security Agency MOS 05H
  13. whitebriar

    Children of the Corn (Cob)

    don't trash a good cob because the stem is badly chewed--replacement stems are inexpensive--used to be 50 cents for two i believe--i keep a few around, although i have never had to use one-- warm dry air and sun does wonders for a cob--
  14. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    Syrian Full Balkan in a Kaywoodie Author; followed by Saint James Woods in a Kaywoodie Saddle Bit Billiard
  15. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    Carter Hall in a MM Dane Spool--
  16. whitebriar

    Your "Must Have" Blends

    PA will do me
  17. whitebriar

    Burley - Way Over-Rated

    do you mean to tell me there is another tobacco produced beside PA?
  18. whitebriar

    Top 5 tobaccos

  19. whitebriar

    Did I skip something?

    a perfect analysis of the situation--if you like it, smoke it--if you get tired of it, try somethin' else--
  20. whitebriar

    Opinions on Sutliff No.5...

    got a sample some time ago--it was all right--not being a Eng./Balk. smoker i hesitate to make a definitive statement--it was good to me for a change--