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Brothers of Briar

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  1. ontariopiper

    Canadian tobacco law?

    Oddly enough, you might have more problem sending the jerky than the cigar, Arky. The CBSA (Canadian Border Services Agency) is pretty strict about unknown plant or animal product entering the country lest a hidden pathogen get into the food system here. Homemade jerky may well get confiscated...
  2. ontariopiper


    Here are two Dublin shapes I've recently cleaned up. A Comoy's made 433 for John's Pipe Shop, Los Angeles circa 1930's and a Shamrock 120 by Peterson circa 1942-47.
  3. ontariopiper

    My cellar and questions

    I think most of us use Mason jars (or alternate brand) for long-term storage of open or bulk tobacco. I prefer smaller wide-mouth jars I can fit about 2oz into - essentially the size of the average tin of pipe weed. Sealed tins sit next to my jars until I crack them open or I notice the seal has...
  4. ontariopiper

    Pipes & Tobacco Magazine To End.

    There certainly seems to be more buying and selling of estate pipes on the ole' Fleabay, and more people interested in learning to refurbish them too. It's encouraging but I don't think it's ultimately going to spawn a movement large enough to affect public policy. Certainly not here in Canada...
  5. ontariopiper

    Pipes & Tobacco Magazine To End.

    Sad but perhaps not so surprising. Pipe smokers make up about 1/2 of one percent of smokers in Canada, and only slightly more in the USA. It's a tiny tiny market, capable of supporting fewer and fewer players. I can guess that the market will continue to shrink thanks to increasingly stringent...
  6. ontariopiper

    Earls Court pipes

    This could very well be the case, Corncobcon. I have gotten search hits on tobacconists on Earls Court Rd, but so far haven't found a link to the pipe brand. The hunt continues!
  7. ontariopiper

    Earls Court pipes

    HI folks, I'm working on an estate pipe restoration and I'm trying to figure out what I've got here. The pipe is stamped "EARLS COURT" over "LONDON MADE" on the left flank and "LONDON ENGLAND" on the right. Coming up empty on both and Pipephil,eu, and Google searches return a...
  8. ontariopiper

    Greeting and Salutations from Alberta!

    Welcome, Hal, from another Canuck piper! I'm in Ontario, but there are others here closer to you geographically. Hope you enjoy the BoB!
  9. ontariopiper

    Marcel Chevalier pipe info?

    According to, Chevalier is the brand, and Marcel is the line within the brand (they list a Chevalier Armand pipe with the same "CH" logo here: Other than the brand being French, there is no info listed as to which company produced...
  10. ontariopiper

    Wally Frank Ltd

    Thanks, lb. I had a look at the Finck Cigar company website. Sadly no mention of acquiring Wally Frank on their company history page. One step forward, two steps back! The life of a researcher :D
  11. ontariopiper

    Wally Frank Ltd

    Hi all, I've just finished restoring an interesting old Wally Frank Ltd pipe that is, as far as I can tell, a clone of Butz-Choquin's Origine pipe. Apart from the use of briar as a shank extension instead of albatross bone (or acrylic in the reissued BC A Metz Origine pipes), the WF is an...
  12. ontariopiper

    Happy birthday GrandpaGrossbart

    106?!? You've lapped most of us here, Gramps! Good on ya, and many more!
  13. ontariopiper

    Eh up Sir Stick, 'appy birthday today!

    Many happy returns! Hope you have a great day, Stick!
  14. ontariopiper

    And the #1 cellared tobacco is....

    All I can say is that I wish them well - someone's gonna be deep in Face-Palm Land when their palate wakes up! :lol!:
  15. ontariopiper

    Secret Smoking Room

    Wish I hadn't clicked that link - now I'm plotting how to recreate this at home! :D
  16. ontariopiper

    Is Peterson Making pipes out of Brylon?

    I can't imagine Peterson opting to work with such an inferior material as Brylon. Must be a type in the ad (fingers crossed that I'm right!). You remember properly, Simple Man. Brylon is a cheap amalgam of briar dust and resin, much like particle board is made from sawdust and glue. I have one...
  17. ontariopiper

    First time fitting an Army Mount stem

    It took a lot of fiddling for sure, Rande. Digital calipers were handy on this one to give a sense of diameters at the business end of the stem - it's a much flatter slope than I would have originally guessed. This is probably where a lot of DIYers go wrong trying to fit an army mount stem. If...
  18. ontariopiper

    First time fitting an Army Mount stem

    Thanks, gents! The job itself was actually easier than I had anticipated, though a lot slower. A 1" belt sander would have made short work of stock removal, but I don't (yet) own one so it was dremel and files for this poor slob. :D The dremel (or my shaky hand) left dents and pits in the...
  19. ontariopiper

    How did you spend the first day of 2019?

    Look for the write-up tomorrow on the blog! :D
  20. ontariopiper

    First time fitting an Army Mount stem

    Thought I'd share this here for everyone that likes to restore/repair their own pipes. I had been avoiding this job for a while in order to get my nerve up :D  I had one shot to get this right, so I worked slowly and carefully to carve down an oversized P-lip stem to fit a Peterson Irish Made...