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Brothers of Briar

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  1. ontariopiper

    How did you spend the first day of 2019?

    Simple Man - the Kilimanjaro is not oak - too soft for that. My best guess is mahogany (?). The wood is very light for the size and the pores are quite large.
  2. ontariopiper

    How did you spend the first day of 2019?

    I spent most of Jan 1, 2019 at the worktable refurbishing a few pipes. Was a good day physically for me and I finished three pipes, including shaping an army mount stem for a Peterson X105. LOTS of hand filing and sanding on that one. Sadly it's not mine!  :( (The photos that this member...
  3. ontariopiper

    happy birthday, ontariopiper

    Thanks everyone! I've had a great day. After a fabulous lunch my wife and I wandered a local antique mall. Came away with 4 pipes (Seville, Brigham, Millville and a Medico) and the rack they were in. Nice projects to restore over the holidays. ?
  4. ontariopiper

    happy birthday, ontariopiper

    Thanks much, gents! My Cake Day is off to a good start - a surprise gift from my girls and lunch out with the Mrs. Feeling good today! :king: :king:
  5. ontariopiper

    Reviving a 90's Brigham 536 Bent Brandy

    Thanks, Cold Smoke! I had fun working on this one.
  6. ontariopiper

    Reviving a 90's Brigham 536 Bent Brandy

    I polished with micromesh sanding pads (2500 - 12000 grits) then buffed with White Diamond compound & carnauba wax.
  7. ontariopiper

    Reviving a 90's Brigham 536 Bent Brandy

    Thanks! I'm happy to add it to my rack!
  8. ontariopiper

    Reviving a 90's Brigham 536 Bent Brandy

    Simple Man - are you viewing on mobile? The pics show when I view from my laptop, but oddly enough not on my phone. Will try to remedy.... Thanks for the heads up! EDIT - I think we're live now :D
  9. ontariopiper

    Reviving a 90's Brigham 536 Bent Brandy

    Thought I'd show my latest restoration here - a rather chunky 1990's era Brigham 536 quarter-bent Brandy. The shape is new to me, and will be added to my ongoing Brigham Shape Chart project at the next update. Before: After: Also, for those interested, the Brigham Shape Chart can...
  10. ontariopiper

    Crack on the bowl

    In my experience, a crack running across the exterior of the bowl usually needs pinning to stabilize. I'm betting there is a correlating crack or burn on the inside of the chamber, possibly from a natural flaw in the wood or from overheating. A repair is certainly possible, but if the seller is...
  11. ontariopiper

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Enjoying my first bowl of PS English Luxury donated by a pipe buddy. I rate it a nice mild all-day American-style English blend. It's slightly sweet in a brown sugar sort of way with more burley than one might expect in an English tobacco. The ladies walked through my workshop on the way into...
  12. ontariopiper

    Broken Pipe - Fatman

    I will add my condolences to John's family and friends here as well. I didn't get the opportunity to interact with Fatman myself, but his impact on this forum is obvious from the great number of posts by and about him. He will be missed.
  13. ontariopiper

    TAD strikes again

    Let me know what you think of the Old St Nick - I received a tin in the mail yesterday :D
  14. ontariopiper

    Smokin in the bee yard

    Grat post. I think you'd have no end of volunteers for company from the folks here, Beeman! :D
  15. ontariopiper

    Amazing Find While Rummaging in My Old Cabinet

    Well done, Blackhorse! We're still settling in after our move, so I'm not exactly sure where/what all my baccy is. After reading your post, I might have to do some digging! And congrats on the physical! About the only thing I've been rated "excellent" on by my doctors lately is my number of...
  16. ontariopiper

    Smoking MacBaren Mixture: Scottish Blend

    I have had no issues with MacBaren Scottish Mixture. It was one of my first tobaccos and I revisit it as an old friend periodically. My 2 cents is not to overthink it. If it's wet out of the tin, dry it a bit, but otherwise, pack it and smoke it in whatever you want. Relax and enjoy! FWIW, I...
  17. ontariopiper

    Rumblings in The Force

    ^There it is! :lol!:
  18. ontariopiper

    St. Bruno

    I've got some RR on hand. I too couldn't get past the flowery topping. I much prefer the licorice flavour of Orlik's Dark Strong Kentucky.
  19. ontariopiper

    Peterson Summertime 2018

    Looking good, Davy! I love my Pete B10 "Elf Army" Christmas pipe. Keeping my eyes open for another B10 to add to the rack.