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Brothers of Briar

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  1. ontariopiper

    Finally moved in! Time to get organized.

    Hi all, After a week of virtual homelessness we're finally moved into our new home and are busy emptying boxes and finding places for things. Got the chance this morning to unpack and start organizing my pipes! My office inherited a glass-fronted cabinet we decided not to use in the living...
  2. ontariopiper

    "Stuck" with one blend for a month

    Thanks, Rande. Same to you! I'm not moving nearly as far as you are, but distance doesn't seem to affect the disruption of making a move very much. :lol:
  3. ontariopiper

    "Stuck" with one blend for a month

    We're pulling stakes and moving to a new town later this month, which means 99% of my pipes and baccy are boxed up for the move. I've kept a briar and a cob on hand and just one jar of tobacco, Kramer's Blend for Carey Grant. I usually have several blends on the go at any one time, so my...
  4. ontariopiper

    The retirement thread

    Does surprise medical "retirement" count? I've been off work for 4 years due to health. Had a procedure done that was supposed to sort things out but nearly killed me instead. The last almost 2 years have been recovery and dealing with "new and exciting" additions to my health problems due to...
  5. ontariopiper

    Heinrichs and Reiner Tins for Long Term Storage

    This is of interest to me as well - I've had a 200g tin of Hienricks Dark Strong in my cellar for a year or so now. No issues yet as far as I can tell?
  6. ontariopiper

    Show the cheap one you love

    I think this one qualifies as a "cheap one"! I don;t think I paid $5CAD for it as part of a mixed box of battered estates. It was in horrendous shape when I started work on it but it rehabilitated very nicely and has become one of a handful of briars that I reach for the most. The bit is...
  7. ontariopiper

    A History of Tobacco Cellaring?

    Cellaring is, I understand anyway, a peculiarly North American phenomenon. Pipe smokers in Europe, for instance, still tend to purchase for immediate consumption and don't generally stockpile a favourite blend. I'm guessing that smokers in the US and Canada started cellaring tobacco in the...
  8. ontariopiper

    Happy birthday, huffelpuff!

    Many happy returns, Jim! Sounds like you had a great day. :cheers:
  9. ontariopiper

    Three more I made

    Great looking pipes, Richard! I especially love the offset shank on the second one. Very creative!
  10. ontariopiper

    Seek Information on Estate Pipes: Charatan's, Sav, Pete

    Congrats on the estate pipe haul - $15 each is a great price for them! If you haven't already, check out for information on stampings, logos, etc. They often have info on dating the pipes as well. is another good source for info on specific pipe makers. I can tell you...
  11. ontariopiper

    I'm going home!

    Congrats on the move and on your retirement, Rande! Sounds like you'll be happy as a clam back in your home state. All the best for the move and beyond! :D
  12. ontariopiper

    Preparing for a Move

    Thanks for all the input gents. I'll get off on a box and wrap hunt later this week! Looking forward to the move - we're building from scratch this time instead of renovating the @#&! out of an older home as we've done twice now. Moving into a house exactly the way we want it will be a welcome...
  13. ontariopiper

    Preparing for a Move

    Ah, Blsckhorse. Great to know you're ready to step up and help a brother out! ??
  14. ontariopiper

    Preparing for a Move

    Great plan, Stick! Why hadn't I thought of that!?! ??
  15. ontariopiper

    Preparing for a Move

    Thanks Rande. Sounds like a solid plan!
  16. ontariopiper

    Preparing for a Move

    Hi folks, We've sold our house and will soon (mid-August) be moving to a new-built home in a new town. I've started packing up the man cave and am wondering if anyone's got any tips for packing the baccy cellar? I've got most of it in mason jars with a few dozen sealed tins.
  17. ontariopiper

    Recently purchased a jeweler's buffer...

    ^This. Don;t ask how I know.... :cry: :cry: :affraid:
  18. ontariopiper

    The death of Real antique fairs

    You're probably right, Fr Tom. Too bad shipping can double the price.
  19. ontariopiper

    The death of Real antique fairs

    Just here to do a bit of grumbling today. There is a semi-annual antique fair locally at which I have historically had great success finding good quality estate pipes - Peterson, Comoy's, high-end Brigham etc - but the well seems to have dried up. Where once there were multiple stands offering...
  20. ontariopiper

    J.H Lowe website woes??

    Is anyone else having issues accessing the JH LOwe website? ( The home page produces an error message whenever I try to get on. I've manages to find individual pages but the internal links often crap out on me as well. I'm fairly sure Tim West is aware of the problems with his...