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Brothers of Briar

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  1. ontariopiper

    Happy Birthday Ontariopiper

    Thanks very much, everyone! Now the big decision of the day is which tobacco to load into my best pipe?? :D :D
  2. ontariopiper

    Happy Birthday Ontariopiper

    Indeed I do, T, and I'm taking advantage as much as possible! ?
  3. ontariopiper

    Happy Birthday Ontariopiper

    Thanks much, Rande! My older girl made it home for the holidays yesterday so we had the whole family together for cake and the new Star Wars movie. Great fun! And let me just take a minute to express my gratitude for the excellent, supportive online community that is the BoB. Ten months ago I...
  4. ontariopiper

    What do your wives think of pipe smoking?

    Thought I'd update since my previous reply to this thread. My wife has gone from giving me dark looks when I grab a pipe to encouraging me to add pipes to the collection! Must be psychological trauma from living with me too long..... :lol!:
  5. ontariopiper

    Cleaning with peroxide?

    I have used peroxide to clean/bleach out severe stains in briar, but I wouldn't use it to clean the internals. 99% Isopropyl alcohol is my go-to for periodic maintenance cleaning. Evaporates almost immediately and leaves no aftertaste. As others have said, less may be more. :D
  6. ontariopiper

    Are We Done Yet?

    Well, it would certainly take a lot to "top" my 2017. But it's a Christmas Miracle that I'll get to see another New Year's Eve at all. I'll take breathing over the alternative! :D
  7. ontariopiper

    Are We Done Yet?

    Thanks Jim. If the docs can sort this out, I'm hoping to start getting back on shape in the New Year. Fingers crossed!
  8. ontariopiper

    Are We Done Yet?

    Secret's out now, Wiz! Good tip though ?
  9. ontariopiper

    Are We Done Yet?

    Thanks fellas! Your words are appreciated greatly. Generally I take things as they come and am getting pretty good at changing plans at the drop of a time, but every now and again I just need to rant and get it out of the system. Thanks for listening.
  10. ontariopiper

    Are We Done Yet?

    2017 cannot end soon enough for me! My 16-yr-old daughter had to take me to the ER on Friday morning for what turned out to be the third bout of pericarditis since the end of May. Sigh. For those unfamiliar, pericarditis is an inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart and it is NOT...
  11. ontariopiper

    Where, oh where, have the Burley Flakes gone?

    Thanks 'Pete. I've had UF in my shopping cart a few times but have somehow not managed to buy a tin yet.
  12. ontariopiper

    Where, oh where, have the Burley Flakes gone?

    Cheers, Gramp! I'll check it out.
  13. ontariopiper

    While we're posting Pipe Rooms, here's my renovated space...

    Thanks Corncobcon. Yes, the wainscotting was all done with MDF. Bought a full sheet and had the store cut it into strips for me. The egg crate thing happened by accident around here. I had several estate restorations on the go and the egg crate was the only thing I could find to hold then all! ?
  14. ontariopiper

    Can Anyone Identify this Hallmark?

    Hi folks, I'm trying to identify the hallmark on a Sterling shank band. I've got 2 out of 3 but the last one is a stumper. The first two, an Anchor and Lion, stand for Birmingham, England and Sterling silver, respectively. The third hallmark, which I read as an Orb in a Laurel wreath...
  15. ontariopiper

    Ebay Fraud Alert

    The dead giveaway is a properly worded English listing with a Chinese ship-from address.....
  16. ontariopiper

    It's our very own Brewdude's Birthday

    Have an amazing day, and many more to come, Rande!
  17. ontariopiper

    Where do you buy online?

    Just received my first order from CupoJoes. Quick and easy, and they ship to Canada! No complaints so far. :D
  18. ontariopiper

    St. Bruno

    I must admit that my track record with these older, oft-lauded blends has been hit and miss. The nostalgia value is high but the taste doesn't always measure up to the hype. For example, I quite enjoy a bowl of Carter Hall when the mood strikes but have found no joy in any of the Edgeworth...
  19. ontariopiper

    St. Bruno

    TR shows reviews for both Flake and RR versions of Mac Baren's production of St Bruno. Links below:
  20. ontariopiper

    St. Bruno

    I just added two pouches of St Bruno Ready Rubbed to my last order - it's been on my wish list for ages, and it's currently on sale at, so I had to go for it. I'll post my thoughts on it after I get a few bowls in. :D