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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Blackhorse

    Anyone else addicted?

    Addicted to Trader Joe’s Mini Orange Cranberry Tea Scones? Interesting that the term “addicted” is seen so very frequently in Google results to searching for these little beauties. Absolutely delicious.
  2. Blackhorse

    My Favorite Olive Oil - big sale

    Kasandrinos…the only EVOO I use. Wonderful stuff. Got a heads up on a 30% off sale. Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil 3 Liter Can × 1 1 Can $99.95 Discount Image LETSGO30 -$29.99 Subtotal $69.96 Shipping $0.00 Total $69.96 USD You saved $29.99
  3. Blackhorse

    My kids could never do this.

    Who’s smarter? My kids…or these dogs?
  4. Blackhorse

    Finally…two new Japanese kitchen knives.

    Combining Anniversary, Birthday & Christmas gift “coupons” from my wife & kids I was able to order two new kitchen knives I’ve been lusting after. Shun Classic Blonde 8" Kiritsuke Enso Hizashi 7" Bunka Knife
  5. Blackhorse

    Wife wants me to make bread…even bought me a new power mixer.

    Oh my. She must REALLY want some bread. Made two loaves yesterday.
  6. Blackhorse

    Tom Jones will never get old!

    St James Infirmary - oh yes!
  7. Blackhorse

    Goodbye Watson.

    This afternoon we had the sad duty of putting our 12 y.o. pug, Watson down. A host of ailments including Dementia, spinal arthritis and double incontinence, finally convinced us that it was his time. We’ve expected this for some time so it was no shock. Still, it hurts deeply. He was a joy...
  8. Blackhorse

    Haggis Wildlife Foundation

    Help save the wild Haggis…
  9. Blackhorse

    Thank you…

    Thank you one and all for making this a fine year. Your support, dedication and kindness are significant in making this the upbeat place it is. I just finished putting together our first stuffing: corn bread, sausage, pecan. It’ll chill overnight and then go into a slo-cooker tomorrow. Then...
  10. Blackhorse

    Insane single cake of Chinese Fireworks.

    This is the best single item I’ve ever seen.
  11. Blackhorse

    Feuerhand Lantern…German Made.

    My latest “passion”…the Feuerhand Outdoor Kerosene Fuel Lantern, German Made, Weather Resistant, Baby Special 276, Galvanized Hurricane Lamp. I got two in what they call “sparkling iron” in color. About $64 per...
  12. Blackhorse

    Now THAT’S a lotta BULL!

    Do you want some fries with that?
  13. Blackhorse

    Guys building an underground bunker.

    This was fascinating in many ways. Had me scratching my head numerous times.
  14. Blackhorse

    My Wife Goes to NOLA…

    …on a trip for fun with a bunch of her girlfriends…and brings me this:
  15. Blackhorse

    Finally…my new Ukulele.

    Wanted since I first visited Hawaii in 1971. It’s not perfect but it doesn’t miss too many check marks on my list. Kala Ziricote Tenor Ukulele KA-ZCT-T Specs: Size: Tenor Top: Ziricote Back & Sides: Ziricote Neck: Mahogany Bridge: Rosewood Fingerboard: Rosewood Binding: Black Nut &...
  16. Blackhorse

    Shipping mismatch humor.

    Ordered a very nice small Amish corn broom to use specifically for the track of our newly installed sliding door. It’s perfect. 6” sweep and 48” long. Get just a little grit onto the track and it gets glitchy. Clean…it glides. So 6” x 48”…and they put it in the biggest box I’ve ever seen...
  17. Blackhorse

    Who says Brontosaurus are extinct?

    The best Brontosaurus steak you’ll ever see! I wonder what country it is.
  18. Blackhorse

    Fall Addiction

    Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Butter! OMG!!! Seriously good pumpkin butter (no butter) spiced perfectly. Tastes like Aunt Henrietta made it to take to the church bazar. I just had a big dollop on a toasted slice of Dave’s Killer Bread cinnamon raisin toast spread first with Philly plain cream cheese...
  19. Blackhorse

    Looking West Across the Pacific.

    Annual honeymoon trip to the coast. Neskowin, Oregon, USA. Our digs are oceanfront. Look across the brief boulder & turf barrier and the ocean is a stumble, trip & sprain away. #1 stock tourist pic…#2 off our back terrace.
  20. Blackhorse

    DIY? Maybe not…but cool anyway.
