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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Chris Smith

    Pipe Overload!

    The wife went pipe crazy on me this week. 14 pipe mixture. Not going to name them but enjoy the looky-loo.
  2. Chris Smith

    PAD - Nord Compass

    This is mt newest acquisition…Nord Compass. It was in a starter set that was on sale new for 30.00 with a tin of 4th Generation 1957 Erik Michael Blend, pipe cleaners and a cheq tool. Good deal as it is usuall about 60.00 or more.Wife (CFO) say that the first step in handling my addiction is...
  3. Chris Smith

    And another one is born...

    This is my newest. Born this evening. Going to put EEE on it this week when I get a moment. This dark walnut and either a bowl, egg, peat, wasp nest, or combination of all, shape. Not a sitter this time. I made the pipe couch out of leather with minor saddle stitching and rivets. Works well...
  4. Chris Smith

    One of my newest creations...

    Here is my newest pipe build. It is made from cherry wood and stained dark brown with a carnuba wax coating. Thanks, Chris
  5. Chris Smith

    Zippo Butane Pipe Insert

    Has anyone tried the Zippo butane pipe lighter insert yet? I'm debating on getting one and see if it works well. If you have, what are your thoughts and/or experiences with it? Thanks, Chris
  6. Chris Smith

    Evening Pipe

    Just finished my smoke of Evening Pipe out of my Pinner Giant. Just picked up 4 more oz as I was super low. Love this stuff! Thanks, Chris
  7. Chris Smith

    Not a pipe, but a roll.

    I made a pipe roll for travel out of leather. My daughter goes to Western Carolina University in Cullowee NC and go see her, as well as be her chauffeur Christmas, Spring Break, and Summer vacation, and I tend to stay a night or 2 in Dillsboro. That this might be nice to carry pipes and tobacco...
  8. Chris Smith

    Valentine's Day From the Wife (CFO)

    Got a couple new pipes for Valentine's Day from my lovely wife. Baraccini La Marea 109 and a Peterson Patrick's Day 2025 XL11. Bunch of tobacco to go with it all. Love that gal! Thanks, Chris
  9. Chris Smith

    New. One as promised

    This an unsmoked Darnell Old Briar Rusticated Bent Billiard Estate pipe that came in today. Looking forward to making it a “smoked” pipe!
  10. Chris Smith

    My current collection.

    I have a green Savinelli Alligator 614, Savinelli 601 Churchwarden, green Mr. Brig No. 21 Old Army, 2 clay pipes (gifts from my CFO (WIFE)), 3 cobs - 1 is a Country Gentleman, a Paykoc Briar (unsure of model - gift from my oldest), a Pinner Giant Smooth Bent Dublin from GBD, a small Rhodesian...
  11. Chris Smith

    Black Walnut DIY Pipe

    I'm finishing this up tonight and tomorrow. Black Walnut with a stem my wife got for awhile back. Still learning though. Used beeswax as the outer coating as I love the look of natural black walnut. Feel free to let me know what you think and I'm always open to constructive criticism. Thanks
  12. Chris Smith


    Hi all. I'm in the Anderson Creek area north of Spring Lake, NC. As I'm retired military and from the IT Industry, I spen most of my time smoking pipes, taking care of my chickens and dogs, wood working, and, uh, oh yeah, huney-dos. I have 48 acres to do what ever so gardening is a hobby. I'm...