I'd throw Bob's Chocolate Flake in the hat. It's an oddball tobacco, in a good way. My pipe smoking buddy calls it the old lady perfume tobacco. I called it awesome.
I just tried the Essence of Vermont. I really liked it. It had a nice maple/brown sugar hint to it without being overly syrupy or sweet. The Burly was just right and I didn't pick up any Perique. Room note was outstanding.
I liked it better than Autumn Evening, but they are both worth...
I got a couple of ounces of this and I agree, it's pretty good! Very black in color and could definitely pick up a little maple/vanilla. Good stuff!
I also ordered a few ounces of their burley and that smells good too! Thanks!
Jack Daniels isn't really bourbon. They call themselves a "tennessee whiskey" (even if they're legal defined as a bourbon). They run their stuff through maple charcoal prior to barrelling which is a no-no in the bourbon world.
Bourbon is my thing! I'll add a few thoughts and touch on a bourbon or two I haven't seen mentioned....
Booker's is fantastic and absolutely worth it, but it should be reserved for special occassions only. It's easily the strongest bourbon I've had and it's surprisingly smooth with a LONG...
I've been a tear this year already. I've bought a Don Carlos, a Boswell, a Hackert, a Savenilli, and I'm chasing a David Jones right now.
This year I want stock up on Boswell's and maybe an Ardor.
It's getting out of hand. :twisted:
I wasn't sure where to post this topic so please feel free to move it to a more appropriate forum.
I'm trying to collect some pipes from places I've spent a lot of time. I currently have been living in PA for the past 10 years or so and I've got a couple of Boswell's and a Hackert that I have...
Someone else may be able to confirm, but I was screwing around today and was checking our Cup of Joe's. They had 8oz of Penzance for sale (limit 1 per customer). I wasn't sure if it was legit so I put one in my cart and proceeded to check out. I only got to the "pay now" option and then I...
I've got a tin. I like it but it's not something I smoke often. For me, it's a nice "once in awhile" smoke. I'm a pretty new pipe smoker so I can't pick out all the distintive flavors, but I can easily pick out the cigar leaf. It's pretty nice.
I have a Pipe by Lee that has a metal stinger in it. I'm not a fan. Gurgles a lot and I can really pick up on the metal. It's too bad because I love the pipe.