Hj All, I was rushed to the hosp. 2 weekk ago, still pretty weak, almost died, renal failure, have to go back in after the holidays, kidney stone surgery, by the by Social Sec. notified me that I'm rerired now!!! :affraid: :tongue: Ken
Even' guys, If there ever was a desert Va.Tabac, Perretti's Oxford flake is it! Full rich satisfying, but not a HO blend. It is very expensive with taxes within the state arouns 40% :affraid: , apound cost nearly $90.00 :affraid: The natchman hit me onto this blend :tongue: Ken
Pacem en...
I've smoked ALL of Uhle's Burleys all great and consistant, All of Peretti's burleys are wonderful and they produce the very finest burley I have ever smoked! Somerset slice[costly] Ken :tongue: