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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Gaius Marius

    Codger Corner

    Do you know what those planes are? Imaging my best to figure them out. Nice wallpaper
  2. Gaius Marius

    lockpicking - so much for those locks being worth the money

    I was slightly infamous way back in high-school for being able to crack some locks. It was never more than a party trick to me. It's good knowledge that the overwhelming majority of locks that you can buy are but a YouTube video from cracking because you need to account for that. Keep your...
  3. Gaius Marius

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Good morning BoB! Today I smoked a bowl of Prince Albert in my mm cob. Good, but I like Granger quite a bit more. Working a half day before my wife, sister in-law, and I head off west to spend the weekend driving around the Oregon coast. It isn't likely I'll be posting while away from home nor...
  4. Gaius Marius

    I need to have apps on mobile phone to get discounts in store now.

    The semiconductor was a mistake.
  5. Gaius Marius

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Sitting at the lazer cutter working and drinking green tea after having enjoyed the lionshare of a bowl of Match Field and Stream in my mm cob on my way to work. Yesterday, two sandwich loaf tins arrived in the mail so I'm excited to bake some sandwich bread after I clock out of work today.
  6. Gaius Marius

    A class act is gone

    I've been following Paul for years. He'll be missed by me and many others. Make sure to say a prayer for him, he provided some real good stuff to the world.
  7. Gaius Marius

    What's old is new again!

    Howdy, I look forward to seeing you around here!
  8. Gaius Marius

    What music do you listen to keep the black dog away?(Depression)

    Wagner, Suk, Strauss. The beauty and emotion I find in classical and opera is comforting to me. I also go for near anything from the late 90s and early 2000s as its nostalgic to me. Though some think it politically incorrect, music from the IRA cheers me up. Old time radio and shows such as...
  9. Gaius Marius

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Good morning BoB, This morning I smoked a bowl of Missouri Meerschaum Missouri Pride in my MM cob. We're all praying and wishing you well Ranger.
  10. Gaius Marius

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I buy it from WV in bulk. I'm not sure if it's the genuine article as CB does not advertise the blend on their website. This leads me to believe it isn't.
  11. Gaius Marius

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Good morning BoB, This morning I smoked some Captain Black Copper in my mm cob. Out of the captain black lineup, I like copper the best. Yesterday was pretty great. My wife and I went to Camp Sherman and had a picnic lunch on the bank on the bank of the Metolius river and afterwards foraged...
  12. Gaius Marius

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Good morning BoB and a happy Sunday to you all. This morning I tried making and smoking some tumbleweed in my cob. Thanks for the recipe Ranger, tasty blend! After having made breakfast for some guests yesterday, I have a load of bacon fat left over. To use it up, I'm in the process of...
  13. Gaius Marius

    Tweaking your "Meh" blends

    I have some 5 brothers and some Amphora Kentucky blend. I'm going to try to put together my own version of your Urban Cowboy later today. What goes into your Tumbleweed blend?
  14. Gaius Marius

    Tweaking your "Meh" blends

    This might be heresy here but I don't care for Carter Hall. This thread convinced me to throw some Peter Stokkebye Black Cavendish into it, around 25% and I like what it became. It's not my favorite blend but now I enjoy it enough to finish it.
  15. Gaius Marius

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Good morning BoB, This morning is Carter Hall with a bit of black cavendish added in my mm cob. My wife and I are hosting some guests for the weekend and come 10am, ill be heading back home from work to make a big breakfast for everybody.
  16. Gaius Marius

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Good morning BoB, This morning I smoked a bowl of Newminster's Imperial Nougat in my mm cob.
  17. Gaius Marius

    Where my stuff at?

    I have ordered off pipes and cigars several times now. Every order I have made and recieved is still "processing". I wouldn't worry too much about it. I think one of their website elements is broken and cannot update to display the correct information. You still may want to pay them a call...
  18. Gaius Marius

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Good morning BoB! A bowl of Sutliff's match Field and Stream in my mm cob. No special news here today.
  19. Gaius Marius

    Todays chuckle

  20. Gaius Marius

    Todays chuckle
