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Brothers of Briar

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  1. David The Druid

    New Denver Member

  2. David The Druid

    Pipe tobacco and mosquitos

    I second this.
  3. David The Druid

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Smoking Sutliff Mark Twain out of my Stanwell HCA2. Ran out of cigars today.
  4. David The Druid

    What movie are you watching?

    Currently watching Hereditary. Great psychological horror.
  5. David The Druid

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Tge spleen is weird. It's all protected by your ribs though so I would say not. They are fun to remove since they're so large lol.
  6. David The Druid

    Todays chuckle

  7. David The Druid

    Has anyone heard of this pipemaker/brand?

    It says Marbury, made in France, 291, and has an M makers mark.
  8. David The Druid

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Just removed a stubborn spleen! Smoking some sutliff cherry out of my Marbury 291 to celebrate.
  9. David The Druid

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I made my 80 hours in 5 days this week. Relaxing with some match 20 out of my MM Ozark. Also on the rotation today are Original Cuban cigars. Edit: 5 days not 4. Fat fingers
  10. David The Druid

    Carter Hall Issues

    It's the humidity. Dry it out a bit longer.
  11. David The Druid

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Been extremely busy at work. The 4th was a pain since I was on call. Finger and hand injuries. Today on my day off I am smoking some Sutliff Mark Twain out of my Stanwell HCA2.
  12. David The Druid

    Todays chuckle

  13. David The Druid

    Can money buy happiness?

    I come from a well to do family on my dad's side. I've had to earn my way though. I found its more comforting crying in my BMW than it would he in a clunker.
  14. David The Druid

    Greetings from Southern California!

    I was referring to a wombats rock hard ass 🤣
  15. David The Druid

    Greetings from Southern California!

    Welcome to BoB. Mind the Aussie, he looks mean but he's just a big wombat.
  16. David The Druid

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    On this fine summer's day, I'm enjoying some Sutliff Mark Twain in a Stanwell HCA2. It's my day off so I've opened a bottle of chianti.
  17. David The Druid

    Savinelli or artisan pipe

    I like the artesian pipe better.
  18. David The Druid


    Cobs are for yard work for me. If I break a cob, I can buy another. If I break a Peterson, I might cry.
  19. David The Druid

    First delivery

    Orlik is wonderful.
  20. David The Druid

    Todays chuckle
