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Brothers of Briar

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  1. DeBEAR Done It

    Question for those more learned than me currently

    A long time ago, when I started smoking a pipe. I use to smoke Edwards tobacco. I started with Scottish Moor, but ended up with a great mixture that didn't have the tongue bite of Scottish Moor, and I remember that Latakia was added in small amounts until we found the perfect mix. Here I am MANY...
  2. DeBEAR Done It


    I'm signing in from Leesburg, Florida I'm also returning to my pipes after forty years plus, of cigaretts. Time to relax and take life easy. Wish "Edwards Pipe & Tobacco shops were still around !
  3. DeBEAR Done It

    Anyone remember the old Edwards Pipe shops from the 70s/80s?

    DeBEAR Done It, Hello people! Back in the late 70's when I started smoking a pipe, I bought my pipes and tobacco in the "Edwards Pipe shop in the North Miami Beach store on 163rd street. I smoked pipes for 5 years, but returned to cigarettes due to job function requirements. I currently have...