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Brothers of Briar

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  1. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Broke out the Washington rain gear to get through the chores. After a couple of days I don't even register the rain anymore. The wind however is annoying as all get out. I've been cutting wood on a steep slope for days. While no fun it's doable. The wind is now blowing me down hill. My pipe...
  2. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Holy smokes that's a lot of food. I would be in a meat coma from that.
  3. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Finally got the fire going and things are warming up. I'm about to try out this new to me pipe I got yesterday. I can only imagine who smoked it before me.🤩 c1920 KB&B Bakelite with threaded briar bowl and gold band. I'm going to smoke Mark Twain in it. First threaded bowl in my collection.
  4. MLBbreton

    Question about canning jars

    I've been canning using Ball jars my whole life. Never washed a jar ever. Same thing when I store anything in them. Herbs, spices tabacco.... Never had a problem with them.
  5. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Wow. That was a nap. Unplanned so need to get a move on. Just loaded up MM cob with C&D Engine #661. After I'm done it's a couple slices of white pizza with ricotta and sausage with a glass of milk. If I'm up to it cleaning some pipes.
  6. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    The grain on that pipe is gorgeous.
  7. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Taking a break from the rain and smoking Lord Nelson in a MM cob. This rain is not playing with snow just a little higher than me, but I have to get chores done.🌨️🌧️⛈️ Retirement as a farmer is hard work, but I wouldn't swap it for anything else. And as a bonus I can smoke my pipe almost...
  8. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Sutliff Vanilla Custard in a Wally Frank bent bulldog with wonderful texture. Plus it's a sitter, which I'll appreciate when something around me is flat and level.
  9. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Back from my walk. Turns out you don't melt and die from the rain. Back inside watching The Whole Town's Talking from 1935 with Edward G Robinson in a rare comedic role. He plays two roles in the movie. One tough and one a bit less brusque. So funny watching tough Edward G with a cigar hanging...
  10. MLBbreton

    Hello everyone warren here

    Welcome to Bob from the PNW.
  11. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I've got 7 straight days of rain coming. I've decided to to follow this advice. I highly recommend this video. When you have no control Embrace the Shake. I'm going to embrace the rain and go listen to it fall in the woods and fill up the stream. I have a Savinelli 404 rusticated with Engine...
  12. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I'm about to try out this new estate pipe that arrived today along with it's friend that I'll smoke tomorrow. A nicely grained Calibano model 810 filled with C&D Engine #99. I've battened down all the hatches and did my shopping. Now I wait for the cyclone bomb to arrive. Looking on the internet...
  13. MLBbreton

    Good Evening from the UK

    Welcome from the Pacific Northwest.
  14. MLBbreton

    Hi from the UK

    Welcome to the group. Nice meeting you.
  15. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Storm is starting. Winds beginning to howl. I'm having Pashas Dream in a Royal Ascot Supreme. Finishing my hot chocolate then I will bring Bruno up to the container and out of the storm.
  16. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I just finished Lane 1-Q in this pre 1970 Kaywoodie Supergrain Medium Dublin 08. Dating this thing is a challenge. I can't find one with the logo on the side of the mouthpiece instead of the shank. Sure does smoke nice with this tobacco. Waiting for the windstorm to start while watching Under...
  17. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I'm going to have one more bowl in my MM cob while I finish the last couple of tasks. Something to be said for pure utility. But it needs a stem upgrade bad. Smoking Mark Twain because it fits the pipe and my mood.
  18. MLBbreton

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Getting ready for the first big windstorm tonight. Checking off storm tasks and looking for things that will end up in the woods unless I batten them down. I'm on my third bowl of black vanilla in my MM cob and second pot of coffee. I need to check all the bolts on the canopy next which means I...
  19. MLBbreton

    Fedora land

    Watching classic movies and it’s all about the hat. Lady or gentleman you’re wearing a hat. Pre 1960 movies have pipes and cigarette holders everywhere. Nothing anymore. I had and wore a fedora while I was trying to find myself as a young man. I think I need a new one. You know to accent my pipes.
  20. MLBbreton

    Howdy from Houston, TX

    Welcome. Very nice collection.