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Brothers of Briar

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  1. montanacowboy

    Canadian Shape Pipe ???

    I'm new and found a shape I'm trying to find . Anyone know of or recommend a Canadian straight shank pipe in the 6.5" to 7" mark. I'd appreciate your help. Everyone seems to be sold out or waiting list. Budget $140 . Ty
  2. montanacowboy

    Hello from Montana

    That's great because another site treated a newby pretty poorly. Thank you for your hello.
  3. montanacowboy

    Recommendations Please....

    Country Squire ? Forgive me , I'm new.
  4. montanacowboy

    Recommendations Please....

    58 year old from Montana. I farm cattle by day and hunt and fly fish in any spare time I get. Decided I'd like to start pipe smoking for relaxation and contemplation. Grandfather and Uncle both smoked pipes when fly fishing. I'd welcome and appreciate your advice on a pipe ( I like Canadian or...
  5. montanacowboy

    Hello from Montana

    New to pipe smoking and new to this forum.