307 Fishtail replacement stem

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Briar Spirit

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
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Heya folks, I was wondering if any of you know where I can get a replacement stem for a Pete 307, I really would prefer a Fishtail over the standard P-Lip stem.

The only 2 sites I could find in the UK that have stocked them in the past do not stock them any longer, the stem is for a Pete Jimbo gifted to me a while back, the original stem is really narrow and I find it quite uncomfortable but I absolutely adore the pipe, scoring a Fishtail stem for it would make it possible for me to use it more often, I have great attachment to the pipe because of it being from Jim so would really love to find a replacement stem for it.
There's a woman at Peterson's in Sallynoggin who has handled pipe repair for me in the past. Angela Fortune is her name. If you visit the Pete site and e-mail repairs or customer service you'll reach her. I was once having a stem problem with a B60 and was reluctant to mail the pipe. So I asked for a replacement stem. She sent two, but neither fit satisfactorily. So I ended up sending her the pipe (and replacement stems) as I should have done in the first place. She had a new stem fitted, tossed in bunches of Pete cleaners to make up for postage, and the whole matter was taken care of in a couple weeks as I recall. I'm guessing that the same model of Pete, carved in different years, takes slightly different stems. Just a guess. Good luck.
Should have thought of that myself, thanks folks, I've emailed them directly, be interesting to see what they say.
Peterson's got back to me, they wanted €25 for the stem, €10 for shipping plus I would have to send the pipe to them, would have ended up costing me around £37 ($61.50), a bit out of my reach at the moment for just a stem so I opted to make one myself instead. I will post a piccie when I get a battery charger for the camera.
Briar Spirit":zqgcuv99 said:
Peterson's got back to me, they wanted €25 for the stem, €10 for shipping plus I would have to send the pipe to them, would have ended up costing me around £37 ($61.50), a bit out of my reach at the moment for just a stem so I opted to make one myself instead. I will post a piccie when I get a battery charger for the camera.
Why are they quoting in € ? I had the same a while back

And I agree, for that kind of money you can buy a new pipe.
Woo. That is kinda steep. My repair covered a matter under warranty. FYI -- I found Ms. Fortune's correspondence and she said, re: Pete mouthpieces -- "Peterson pipe mouthpieces are not standard size and must be hand-fitted, so it would be better to return your pipe to the factory." So although the quote is high, the work would be under warranty, and a nice thing about pipes is that they last a loooong while. This is one of those things where you get to choose between not so good vs. not so bad. Good luck.
I too have a Pete that never gets smoked due to the P-Lip stem. I should look into getting a fish tale for it, maybe it'll actually get smoked that way. Might see if I can get one made for a little less than $60 USD, as that is a little rich for my blood, considering the pipe was only $100 to start with.
The cost of pipe repair is an interesting dilemma, taking in all sorts of philosophical and ecomic stumpers. If a pipe was originally mid-range at best, but you like it, and it's nicely broken in, how much would you pay to fix it, considering a new one might be found for, say, $100, but with no guarantees of future compatability? Then there's the matter of marginal cost: If you think $20 is reasonable for a new stem and Sallynoggin wants $60.00, the Sallynoggin marginal price is actually $40, since you'd already expected to drop $20. Is a repaired pipe that will last for the next few decades worth the diff? If you've read this far with the expectation I have answers to this stuff I can only say I'm sorry to disappoint.
KevinM":dhiwmmbs said:
The cost of pipe repair is an interesting dilemma, taking in all sorts of philosophical and ecomic stumpers. If a pipe was originally mid-range at best, but you like it, and it's nicely broken in, how much would you pay to fix it, considering a new one might be found for, say, $100, but with no guarantees of future compatability? Then there's the matter of marginal cost: If you think $20 is reasonable for a new stem and Sallynoggin wants $60.00, the Sallynoggin marginal price is actually $40, since you'd already expected to drop $20. Is a repaired pipe that will last for the next few decades worth the diff? If you've read this far with the expectation I have answers to this stuff I can only say I'm sorry to disappoint.
Excellent point, not going to get any argument from me there Buddy, the amount required was simply out of my budget for just a stem so I made my own, of a fashion at least, works well enough and looks okay, the best part is it saved me a few coffers.  :sunny: 
Northern Neil":m40tpg64 said:
I too have a Pete that never gets smoked due to the P-Lip stem.  I should look into getting a fish tale for it, maybe it'll actually get smoked that way. Might see if I can get one made for a little less than $60 USD, as that is a little rich for my blood, considering the pipe was only $100 to start with.
I hope you find one Buddy, having a better stem on the 307 has made a whole World of difference to how the pipe smokes, it's a real Champion now and I'm loving it.  :sunny: 
Ooops! I just noticed the "out of stock" indication. But maybe they will be getting more in.
Buckshot":zu01hghz said:
Ooops!  I just noticed the "out of stock" indication.  But maybe they will be getting more in.
I saw a few days back that Rich stocks the Lge Fishtail stems but as you state, they're out of stock, I'll make do with the one I have made personally but thanks for your time in finding that resource, much appreciated.  :sunny: 