A big hello from NY

Brothers of Briar

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Mar 19, 2010
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Hello all, my names Chris and I hail from Long Island, New York. Thanks for all the great information I've gathered here thus far. I'm relatively new to the wondrous world of pipe smoking, and am still exploring. Thankfully I've found this forum before getting too lost in my travels. I currently have five pipes in my collection. Two Kaywoodie's, a Savinelli Churchwarden, and two unknowns, a billiard style pipe, and a very nice bent apple shaped briar. I've tried all the tobaccos that were readily available and found nothing I enjoyed. The Half and Half was tolerable. My current favorite tobaccos are Davidoff flake medallions and a custom blend from my local tobacconist. I thought I would enjoy the aromatics, but have found them to be a lot less pleasing than I had expected. I'm definitely open to any tobacco or pipe suggestions that any of you may have.

Thanks for reading,
Hi Chris, and welcome!

Whereabouts on LI are you? I'm from Queens. Perhaps I can suggest you join us at a meeting of the NY Pipe Club whenever you can get to NYC one of these months. You can check out the website for time and place as well as read up on some good pipe and tobacco related info. Go to www.newyorkpipeclub.org for details.

Unfortunately, one of the, if not the last of the true tobacconists of Long Island closed up about two years ago or I'd direct you there. Trinity East in Rockville Center was owned by my buddy Joe Nastri who unfortunately has passed away. The family did not have the where-with-all to continue the shop and so sadly it closed up. I'm not sure there really is another on LI.

Hopefully you will take me up on my invitation and join us one of these months, it's a great group.

Happy Smokes!

skaukatt":b5gouasf said:
Hi Chris, and welcome!

Whereabouts on LI are you? I'm from Queens. Perhaps I can suggest you join us at a meeting of the NY Pipe Club whenever you can get to NYC one of these months. You can check out the website for time and place as well as read up on some good pipe and tobacco related info. Go to www.newyorkpipeclub.org for details.

Unfortunately, one of the, if not the last of the true tobacconists of Long Island closed up about two years ago or I'd direct you there. Trinity East in Rockville Center was owned by my buddy Joe Nastri who unfortunately has passed away. The family did not have the where-with-all to continue the shop and so sadly it closed up. I'm not sure there really is another on LI.

Hopefully you will take me up on my invitation and join us one of these months, it's a great group.

Happy Smokes!

Thanks for the invite! I will definitely try to make one of the meetings. I might be a little young for that crowd, but that won't scare me off :D
Welcome Nefarious, don't let your age discourage you. I'm 30 and I get looks from EVERYONE when I smoke a pipe. IMO forget 'em, they don't know what they're missing :lol:

Ditto. 31 here...pretty sure there are other youngins 'round these parts as well, so don't let that discourage you at all. If you have a pipe club in your area I would definately check it out.

Oh yeah, and welcome to the party.
Nefarious":maj2z8oo said:
skaukatt":maj2z8oo said:
Hi Chris, and welcome!

Whereabouts on LI are you? I'm from Queens. Perhaps I can suggest you join us at a meeting of the NY Pipe Club whenever you can get to NYC one of these months. You can check out the website for time and place as well as read up on some good pipe and tobacco related info. Go to www.newyorkpipeclub.org for details.

Unfortunately, one of the, if not the last of the true tobacconists of Long Island closed up about two years ago or I'd direct you there. Trinity East in Rockville Center was owned by my buddy Joe Nastri who unfortunately has passed away. The family did not have the where-with-all to continue the shop and so sadly it closed up. I'm not sure there really is another on LI.

Hopefully you will take me up on my invitation and join us one of these months, it's a great group.

Happy Smokes!

Thanks for the invite! I will definitely try to make one of the meetings. I might be a little young for that crowd, but that won't scare me off :D
Chris, definitely do not let your young age discourage you. I started smoking my pipe, albeit clandestinely at the age of 15, and publicly at 16! We are happy to accept all! We have members as young as in their early 30's if not younger so join us one of these months.

lol, thanks all. I'm not that young, 28 to be exact. I have no shame in smoking my pipe, as a matter of fact I'm quite proud. All I get is compliments on the smell of my smoke and the sophisticated look my pipe gives me.
Nefarious":n4gwcxis said:
lol, thanks all. I'm not that young, 28 to be exact. I have no shame in smoking my pipe, as a matter of fact I'm quite proud. All I get is compliments on the smell of my smoke and the sophisticated look my pipe gives me.
Excellent! As a matter of fact, today is a proud moment for me. I took my son to De La Concha this morning and bought him his first pipe!!! He's 19!!! What a proud moment for me!

Happy Smokes!

Rugbysh9":uff2zwur said:
Welcome Nefarious, don't let your age discourage you. I'm 30 and I get looks from EVERYONE when I smoke a pipe. IMO forget 'em, they don't know what they're missing :lol:
The reason you get looks is you have a hot pink stemmed Ardor with polka dots on it, right? :p

The lipstick doesn't help either...... :lol!:
Welcome to the BoB! :cheers: I started smoking a pipe when I was 26 and love the nice comments and thumbs up I have gotten over the last 13+ years. Enjoy!