A few shots from work.

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Kyle Weiss

Well-known member
Sep 18, 2011
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I'm in Fallon, about an hour east of Reno. Really pounding the ground hard doing claim staking. I don't like claim staking much. It's crappy grunt work that doesn't get better with crappy old GPS units, stakes that splinter and blow apart, 10-pound dead mauls that smash my fingers and hills and cliffs I have to scale to get it done. I'd rather get to the exploratory part of my job, but this new company insisted I was the right guy for the job. Good, pay me.

I'll add a few more photos as I get 'em but here throughout the week.

Sleepin' on a cow turd:


4-foot rattler, mean sucker, too:


Worst stake I did today. 1,000 foot elevation climb, one mile hike-in--and back down again, with all the gear. View was nice, though. Didn't have time for a pipe, really wanted to get back for some grub:


...gonna drag down a chair from the motel room and have a pipe. Sextant sounds lovely.

I hate them snakes! Had too many close run-ins with them. Problem is you usually don't know you're almost on top of one til you're almost on top of one.
I gotta say, a 1 mile 1,000 foot elevation climb sounds like a great way to spend a day off from work, even more so if it's part of the job! Good on ya!
It's a great job. I'm just pissed because it's staking and not exploration.

Yeah, Uber, it was 1 mile in and about the last 1/4 mile was a 1,000 foot climb. :lol: Plus all of the gulleys and fault drainage. Sorry for the confusion. :p Considering that particular one was at the end of the day after about 10 miles of the same, I'm a little beat.

One thing is for certain: carrying claim stakes is easier than rock samples!
Rob_In_MO":7w7q3iy2 said:
Nice photos, Kyle. I wouldn't call that work too-bad, beats 9-5 sitting behind a desk - staring at a monitor...
Nice pics Kyle.
Lately, I'm inclined to agree with Rob. Carpal tunnel just crept up on me, and it sucks!
I used to think it was just something lazy people made up to get out of work.
Wrong... :pale:
I somehow must have mistakenly made it sound like I hated what I was doing. Wrong. It was just made harder by some bad planning, and not by me. I'm earning those views, gents, make no mistake. That's all I was saying.

"Carpel-tunnel" in guys like me after four years at UPS equals a back I probably have to have surgery on, and a lot of this work is pretty rough. I'm not 18 years old.

Claim staking is available to any one of you that want work--come on over, I'd love a friendly neighbor (and I don't want to do it). I can have a job for you in two days. You'll make about 40K a year. Guaranteed.

Man...you need a trail gun! That hummer looked ready to go for ya! Man...I really hate those big old ones. Cow turds is so nasty!
I can't carry with this company... they're based in the UK, and we all know how Brits feel about guns. Pretty much the same way they feel about good food and toothbrushes. :lol:

I leave the old snakes alone anyway. If they block the only path, I'll take one down, but we both have to live out there. I do, however, need a new hatband... :lol:

Kyle Weiss":chx1x8hp said:
Yeah, Uber, it was 1 mile in and about the last 1/4 mile was a 1,000 foot climb. :lol: Plus all of the gulleys and fault drainage. Sorry for the confusion. :p Considering that particular one was at the end of the day after about 10 miles of the same, I'm a little beat.
Oh. :oops:

Yeah... I think I'd be a little beat too. :p
They won't let you carry a firearm...in Nevada?!?!?

Tell those prissy Brits that you'll carry a Webley...good reliable design...they been using them all over the world.It's not that they don't agree with carrying firearms - they just don't like the idea of having to protect themselves from their own.

They'ze workin' in the US of A now. They can do what they want on their turf...this here is OUR ground. And we'ze carryin'!!!

Blackhorse":59uj97me said:
They won't let you carry a firearm...in Nevada?!?!?

Tell those prissy Brits that you'll carry a Webley...good reliable design...they been using them all over the world.It's not that they don't agree with carrying firearms - they just don't like the idea of having to protect themselves from their own.

They'ze workin' in the US of A now. They can do what they want on their turf...this here is OUR ground. And we'ze carryin'!!!

It's not that they won't "let" me, per se; the gal I'm working with out here was packin' heat, and just keeps it on the down-low. She knows better. Unfortunately, the Judge is a little harder to conceal. Looks like I need to go shopping. :p

I always carry in the boonies. Always. I felt damn naked. :|

Anyhoo, just being careful with the new gig. If all else fails, there's always my "Lesath Plug Cutter." :lol:


Dam Kyle! You made me wish I wasn't 70 for the first time. I have always been a desert rat and envy your job.

How do they check if your carrying? Ooops they probably monitor the internet Never mind. :drunken:
It isn't that they can check, but if word got out to an "anti" (a...*cough*...affectionate term I reserve for people who don't mind their own damn business and have an itch to scratch with something that they disagree with) in the office, I'd probably get some flak. The main purpose of the company is "environmental" and compliance, but as a field geotech, I'm there to make sure the mines (current and future) are viable in product, are in legal standing with paperwork and square with the public land leasing. I worry more about the air quality, archeological or reclamation folk being the fly on the wall, since they look at me as someone who just paves the way for a destructive industry.

It's all petty crap, but I know how to lay low and still get my job done my way.
Kyle, I was bitten by a snake just a week ago. Cute little snake it was too.
I saw one of my cats sitting very still and watching something. It was a beautiful garter snake. Knowing that they aren't poison I don't worry about getting bitten by a garter. It's very rare for a bite from a garter snake to break the skin. I reached down to pick it up (I like snakes) and it bit me. A few days later I saw it go under my garage door. Fine by me. Plenty of spiders and the likes for the little guy to eat in there.

I don't get the chance to see rattlers here in Indiana. All we have are timber rattles and massasaugas. The timbers are bad tempered and we wouldn't get along very well. The massasaugas are shy little rattlers and are rarely spotted. Copperheads and cottonmouths (mostly in the southern part of the state) are the the other bad actors in Indiana. My uncle Paul was recently bitten by a Copperhead.

Needless to say I'm nowhere near as casual with them as I am with garter snakes. I don't like snakes with juice nearly as much as the juiceless variety.

Enough slathering.

Thas some nice scenery, Kyle. I wish I could still tackle a job like that. Enjoy it while you can.
Enjoy the photos and look forward to seeing more.

As much as I dislike the burning sun on my neck I would be remise if I did not ask if there is a summer/temp position which needs filling?
kieveryuu":gfoxvld9 said:
Enjoy the photos and look forward to seeing more.

As much as I dislike the burning sun on my neck I would be remise if I did not ask if there is a summer/temp position which needs filling?
Probably. Not sure what your drive would be like into Winnemucca, but that's the closest town to Idaho I can think of. There's an outfit in Elko called Carlin Trend that calls people out to do everything from grid soil sampling to claim staking.
ChuckMac--Thank you. I'll hopefully be able to enjoy it for a few years before my body gives out. Warehouse work did a number on me, but this stuff is easier on my back, oddly enough. Not perfect, but easier.

If I were camping, and there were a snake entering my camp area, yeah I'd probably take care of it. If it were in my direct path and my choices were go back, or remove the snake with force and proceed, again, no sweat. I just don't kill if I don't have to. Never have, never will. There's enough space around here in this state that if you can't avoid something, you're probably out there lookin' for it. This is the first rattler I've seen in over three years in the bush. Everyone went home safe that day, and I call that a good day.


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