About my Son, my Hero

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2010
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I have 2 sons and love them both, but my oldest had a lot of trouble growing up, but once he came of age he really impressed me to no end. After 9/11 he joined the Army at about 33 years old. Well he was in the 3rd. ID when they went into Iraq and set the speed record for moving all the way to Baghdad and first there. Saw plenty on that time, but when he got back it just was not goo enough fro him and he wanted guys like he is next to him and not someone hiding under a truck when attacks came.
So he ask for them to send him to Ranger School, but they kept putting him off, but his age was getting closer to the age they wouldn't have let him. So he signed up for Selection (SF) and when that was done (started with over 250 and by the end of the 30 days less than 100 made that. He and 6 others were pointed out that if there was such a thing of graduating Selection with Honors they would be it for that group.

Moving on and 2 years later he graduated and pass all the schools and got his Green Beret at like 37 years old. Now that is an accomplishment for sure. First trip back to Iraq his unit was going around looking for bad guys and questioning people and one day out someone set off an IED (Iran shaped charge) under his seat in the Humvee. It didn't go off right or it would have cut him in half. However it did blow him up pretty bad and ended up losing his left leg and just had part cut off for the 4th time and we just hope this one is right. If it is all that is left is reconstruction of his buttocks as they were blown off too. His attitude has been great this entire time and this started Dec. 2006. He is still in the Army and stationed in Tampa and works for SOCOM.

Anyway just a little more about how I am and my family.

thanks for letting me share,

PS did I say I am so proud I can't stand it, LOL???
That's very inspiring. You have every right to be as proud as a father can be of your heroic son.
Judging from your story and the regard in which you hold your son, you will easily fit in with the brothers here as though you have always been one of us!! ;)

The prices paid by the young men and women in our armed forces runs the gambit from time spent away from family and friends, to receiving life altering injuries, to the supreme price... the loss of their life. Though your son's price was not the supreme price, it was an indisputable heavy one. I extend my heartfelt condolences to him. Simultaneously, I applaud his attitude in dealing with his plight.

Being ex-military, I understand your son's commitment. Being a citizen of the United States of America, I am humbled by and grateful for your son's sacrifice. Being a father, I understand your adoration. You are both hereby saluted!!!
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Any father would be proud to have this man as his son,,,I'm sure your patience with him growing up was a significant factor in his success.
Darn right, you should be proud.

Sincere thanks from the Nutmeg State to your son, and high hopes that whatever remains for his physical recovery is quick and complete!
Thank you for sharing that with us and please thank your son for his service and bravery. There really isn't a proper way to express the gratitude that your son deserves. Thank you very much!
Skip, please be sure and thank him for us on the sacrifice he made for our country. You have evey right to shout out with pride. My son-in-law (I have two daughters) served in Iraq. He's a Navy Medic and toured with the Marines for a year. He had a similar incident with the Humvee but was more fortunate. God Bless these men!
Thank you all and I will be sure to pass all the kind words on to him and I know he appreciate it. He always does when I pass comments like this to him.

He has got to do some really nice things because or the wonder warrior program and all, some hunting in Florida for some deer and Colorado for a nice Elk. Someone sent him and family to the Super Bowl last year, but this year he was getting cut on again so missed it. The owner's of the Tampa Rays had had him to the owners box to watch some games. SO there are some great American people that support the Military for sure.

Thanks again,

Sounds like a wonderful son you can truly be proud of. My deepest respect goes out to him for his service, and my best wishes that his recovery be as smooth as possible.
can't add much to what's been said. give him another THANK YOU for serving and protecting our way of life. he is a hero.
Skip, I could not help but get choked up as I read your story. We all love our children, but few have had to deal with what you and he have gone through as a result of his courage and love of country. You obviously raised him "right".

I am an immigrant to the USA and every day I am amazed at what this country will do for for the rest of this world we live in. And I am ashamed at the attitude that many others have about why we do these things. Stories like yours should be on the news every day, instead of the stuff that we see on most of the channels.

Words can not express how much I appreciate what you and your son have done, all I can say is Thank You!
I salute you and your Son.
I wish him well and thank him for his service to our Country.
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Skip -- you indeed have a son to be proud of, in the truest and deepest sense. Thank you for sharing this inspiring story. Makes my broken arm appear pedestrian and small potatoes. This story has reminded me of the many blessings in my life, and to take nothing, even the smallest most insignificant daily events (like walking) for granted. A hearty and heartfelt thanks for the service and patriotism of your son.
Thank you one and all, it's nice to have great acceptance from fellow Americans!

BTW, just a little side note, my neighbor was in Nam as a Artillery officer and was part of the one that helped what few survived the battle of Ia Drang Valley. Hey all still meet ever year and the last of the Chopper pilots finally got his Medal Of Honor. This was the first of very mobile battles where out guys were dropped in by Chopper and didn't know how many enemy were in the hill right next to their position.

We Were Soldiers Once . . . And Young is the book and movie which is a very good movie even thought the main actor is now in a bit of trouble. What hell on earth that was! If you have not seen the movie, you should check it out. I am told by my neighbor that it's very close to reality and only about 15% Hollywood, like the Bayonet charge at the end never happened.

I should shut up now, but thank you again,

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