Advice on a couple of meers

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Puffer Mark

Well-known member
Jul 14, 2014
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I think that ratty one is beyond redemption. My limited experience with older meerschaums suggest that they often have a restricted draw and an antiquated shank/bit connection. The newer ones are much more open and are using a modern connection made with a Delrin tenon. For that reason, I would choose a Baki, Altinok, et al., for actually smoking, as opposed to just collecting them. I assume you want to smoke them. I'm looking for one myself, but it has to be perfect for me before I lay down the money. I've thrown two away in disgust, and that isn't going to happen again. Good luck with whatever you decide.
It was difficult to tell from the one image, but it's possible that the 'ratty' one was precolored, and in that case might not be as bad as you might think. It looks a lot like a generic meer I bought (simply noted by the sellar as 'Dutch') -- that hard plastic yellow stem is the most uncompromising stem I own other than clays. In any case, best of luck with 'em!
I'm also interested in a meer but like Mr. Burley I have a pretty good idea of what I want. But before making that purchase I need to research them a little more... Different makes, style, price, etc.

Interested to see if you got them and how they smoke.
Hi, Nate.

What a co-incidence that I just came on line and saw your post. As it further co-incidentally happens, I received them the day before yesterday.

I have cleaned up the nicer one, the sultan, and it does have the Plastic (?) push-pull tenon. What is a little puzzling is that the tenon has a metal tube in it which is very narrow. It still draws, but I dont know how it may effect the smoke-ability.

Well yesterday I cleaned out the bowl with a light sanding and some Vodka on a paper towel, and reckon it should be dry by now.

The other one (the straight) is pretty much a gonner, and don't think I will bother with it. Interest's sake it has an army mount which is now slightly out of kilter.

I'ts just going on 6am here and believe it or not I was just contemplating whether I should take the plunge and fire it up for my morning smoke or turn to one of my trusty Stanwells, and maintain the anticipation a little longer.

I think you may just have made up my mind for me. I shall let you know. Unfortunately there is no clue to its origin, so I can be of no help in that regard.

regards, Mark.
Well, just smoked a bowl of Amphora original (choices pretty limited here) and it smoked fine. Hate to use a cliche, cool, dry and sweet right o the bottom of the bowl.

Happy days.
I have five meers myself and three more on the way from Turkey. I bought my first when I was in Turkey with the Navy. It is a snarling wolf's head, a really beautiful piece and I can't find anything like the workmanship online for less than $300 (I paid $50). I love the way they smoke but they aren't as durable as a briar.

I recently started ordering more from Ebay. I came across a seller who makes all his pipes instead of being a re-seller. His name is M.Bahri Tuner and his site is . I also had him custom make a Raven pipe for me since I couldn't find them online anywhere. He has done a really great job and when I order more meers it will be from him. His prices are really reasonable, especially for the quality. I have ordered from other re-sellers and been really disappointed.

I like meers because you can smoke them more than once before having to let them dry because the meerschaum is so absorbent and basically a stone so you will never have the burn through like with briar. But you have to be careful not to let it get too hot or build up a cake because it can crack (cracked one by getting to hot). I have learned the hard way, luckily it wasn't too expensive.

All-in-all my favorites are my meers, then my churchwardens. I am looking at getting a Calabash with a meer bowl to see how that smokes. Does anyone have an opinion?
Have to admit that since my last post, disaster has befallen me. I went for a relight near the bottom of the bowl and must have overdone it as the stem cracked. :pale:

Luckily I didn't pay a fortune for it. Lessons of life, I guess. I shall be alot more careful should I acquire another. have to agree it was a fantastic smoker.

Same thing happened to me. So I used it to experiment with. Once soaked you can actually carve it with a finger nail. It's like carving soap.

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