Air Purifier Recommendations and/or Horror Stories?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2015
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Hi folks,

I'm considering adding an air purifier/smoke eater type unit in the workshop/cave to improve the atmosphere in there, if you'll pardon the bad pun.

Any suggested models to look at or avoid like the plague? The room is roughly 9'W x 12'L x 7'H.

Thanks in advance.

Even though I'm a nicotine fiend, I can't smoke in a room that size without venting. Is there a window? Screw the smoke-eater, of which I know nothing; I'd vent it somehow--you know, exhaust and intake?. Good luck, whatever you do.
Thabks Richard. It's a basement roon without windows. No easy wsy to vent it, thus the smoke eater idea. Not ideal, I know.
Thanks brewdude for those archived threads, as I've always been intrigued about odor elimination.
old_salt":hibe4g6m said:
This is one of the better options.

and go with the Hepa Odor-Cell filter

I have an Alen, but it's the older A-350 model
Thanks for that link. It's rather dear at $700 with filter. For that outlay, I'd likely be better off drilling a vent line through the wall. :)

I'll have to give the idea some serious thought. Or just wait til Spring when the garage warms up a bit :lol:
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DrumsAndBeer":9460f14s said:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>
LOL. That's some real redneck ingenuity! Loud as heck, but it's cheap! :shock: :lol:
Here's another. This one seems quieter.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>

I'm a relative noob here @ BoB, but I'm a long time cigar smoker.

About 10 years ago we built a 1200 sqft addition to our house.  We doubled the size of the master, added a walk in closet and also built a nice size media room.  In the attic space above I built my home office.  

While we were in the framing stage I happened to catch a diy mancave type of show and they had installed a high velocity ventilation system in it to evacuate cigar smoke.

Perfect I thought!  I'll make my home office my mancave as well.

I started my research and landed upon a Panasonic Whisper Quiet ventilation fan.  I did some more google fu and found a place out in SoCal that had em on sale.  I picked up a 440 or 450 CFM fan for a few hundred dollars.

Then I had the HVAC guys place three regular ac vents in the ceiling of my office, er, uhm, mancave.  :)

The regular HVAC vents were in the floor and now directly above them are the exhaust vents.  

The unit is mounted out in the attic and connects to all three ducts and then vents it outside.

I really like how it is almost completely silent when running.  If the stereo or tv is on you can't even hear it.

I also like how inconspicuous it is.  Unless I point it out to someone they never even realize that my office has an abundance of vents.  8)

And best of all... It works very well.
Thanks Bonanza. I've put this project off in favour of other more pressing needs, but it's still on the back burner! My pipe room is next to the furnace/mechanical room in our basement. My current notion is to connect a ceiling or wall vent to a ventilation fan mounted in the furnace room and vent to the outdoors through the wall above grade. The draw from the ventilation fan should be sufficient to create negative air pressure in the room and pull fresh replacement air from the rest of the finished basement/house.

Running ductwork would be a heck of a lot easier if my joists ran the other direction, though! Always something.... :D

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