Are you a ONE pipe man or.........

Brothers of Briar

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Mental Illness is a Terrible thing to Waste!
B of B Supporter
Dec 15, 2011
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I know there's probably guys out there that only have one maybe two pipes and I was curious how they do it. Is it that you'll feel ya just don't need anymore then that or is it just out of your budget like many others? Yeah, I know it's none of my business but, I was just curious because of my personal need to purchase pipes whether I smoke them or not. So tell me what's your herd consist of, 7, 10 more and again is it because ya just don't need anymore then that?
More or less, yes.........

I started with one for what I smoked. When I branched out to other stuff though, the new stuff tasted a lot like what I usually smoked, so I made another pipe to smoke the new stuff in. Big difference. Following the logic, when I come across a new blend, I make a new pipe, so I can REALLY appreciate the taste.

So, in one way, I am a "one pipe man(per type of tobacco)", but not in the meaning of only one device for the plethora of vices...........
OK I just had to go and count -

Currently have 69 briars, 9 are cobs, and one lone meer for a grand total of 79. Not bragging or complaining.

When I got back into the pipe after my ~8 yr hiatus around '10/'11 I think I had an even dozen. See what hanging around here does?!



Ron, my pipe count is now around 210. I don't know exactly, but that is a close guesstimate.

When I am on the truck, I usually just need 4 or 5 to keep a good rotation for drying time. Sometimes I have a few more than that, if I am finishing up a particular blend and about to swap to another. Some of my pipes I have dedicated to particular blends, so it requires that I have a few more in rotation.

Truth is though, I could easily make do with 8 or 10 cobs total in my collection, and have a great smoking experience for a lot less money invested.

I suppose that is what makes me a smoker and a collector. I am always buying pipes I don't need, but one day I will start selling them off one at a time. In the meantime, I just view myself as the caretaker of a pipe that could certainly be smoked 100 years from now.

Hopefully, smoking a pipe or cigar 100 years from now won't be a federal offense.
Are you asking why someone is not a collector, focused on acquisition as much as on smoking? With me, it's a shape/quality thing. I already have duplicates of the shapes I like, at the quality level I can or want to afford. I have plateaued-out, to coin a term, at about 50 pipes. No point in buying another billiard or bulldog--especially when I prefer corn cobs anyhow.

Having said that, though, I do have a newly discovered lust starting to fester in my brain: the almighty LIVERPOOL! Where have they been all my life? OK, so after acquiring a half dozen or so of those, THEN I'll be done. Quitting is easy, as I've told myself many times.
I originally had 45, but when we moved from Florida back to Virginia four years ago I brought 12 with me. When I finished remodeling the home we live now 6 months later I went down to pick up my wife and our household items some of the boxes that were stored with our children one containing 33 of my pipes went missing. So for the last 3 1/2 years I've been making do with twelve. I've started replacing some of what I lost lately and am now up to 30. I intend to go higher, how much I couldn't say. I enjoy having a variety to choose from. What I need and what I enjoy having are two different things. ;)
Richard Burley":1z8jyryr said:
Are you asking why someone is not a collector, focused on acquisition as much as on smoking? With me, it's a shape/quality thing. I already have duplicates of the shapes I like, at the quality level I can or want to afford. I have plateaued-out, to coin a term, at about 50 pipes. No point in buying another billiard or bulldog--especially when I prefer corn cobs anyhow.

Having said that, though, I do have a newly discovered lust starting to fester in my brain: the almighty LIVERPOOL! Where have they been all my life? OK, so after acquiring a half dozen or so of those, THEN I'll be done. Quitting is easy, as I've told myself many times.
Richard, to tell ya truth, I'm looking for the gents that only have a few pipes, under 7 really and wondering how they do it or why.
I reckon the smarter ones or maybe there just smarter cause they can't afford more. ;)
My grandfather had only one pipe, for about 50 or so years. He smoked rarely, and only Perique. There were occasions (I was told) when he would lighten the flavor a tad with Virginia, but nobody could recall what type of tobacco it may have been for sure. I still have the pipe, and it seems fine, albeit not that pretty........
Ozark Wizard":lm1c9gmg said:
My grandfather had only one pipe, for about 50 or so years. He smoked rarely, and only Perique. There were occasions (I was told) when he would lighten the flavor a tad with Virginia, but nobody could recall what type of tobacco it may have been for sure.  I still have the pipe, and it seems fine, albeit not that pretty........
Hmm, I see you only smoke your own made pipes, any special reason or you just like making them?
I've started carving pipes also but, I'm really not interested in smoking my own.
Cartaphilus":fwsvbcjh said:
Ozark Wizard":fwsvbcjh said:
My grandfather had only one pipe, for about 50 or so years. He smoked rarely, and only Perique. There were occasions (I was told) when he would lighten the flavor a tad with Virginia, but nobody could recall what type of tobacco it may have been for sure.  I still have the pipe, and it seems fine, albeit not that pretty........
Hmm, I see you only smoke your own made pipes, any special reason or you just like making them?
I've started carving pipes also but, I'm really not interested in smoking my own.
I have a couple of Falcons for traveling too, but as a rule, I make my pipes out of hardwoods I find in people's burn piles in in my piece of forest.. Haven't burnt one out yet, but my oldest is only about 20 years old now. It's of black walnut.

I currently run about 40 or so pipes.
Started 45 + years ago with one briar and now have over 100 which include meers, and some cobs and a few clays . I smoke mostly the briars with a few of the meers in the rotation as well. I was most active buying when I first started purchasing the majority of them from the early '70s thru '80s and have only started buying used pipes ( EASTATE pipes are for collectors, not smokers! :twisted: ) in the past 6 years. I was fortunate to have been able to purchase many of the classic marques when they were still made by the original firms but only because of the period I was actively buying in. With the number I have I have a sufficirnt number to cover my current smoking needs so am not really actively in the "buying mode" pipe wise spending my $s on that evil weed to consume in them !! :twisted:
Ozark Wizard":4l1y6ymv said:
Cartaphilus":4l1y6ymv said:
Ozark Wizard":4l1y6ymv said:
My grandfather had only one pipe, for about 50 or so years. He smoked rarely, and only Perique. There were occasions (I was told) when he would lighten the flavor a tad with Virginia, but nobody could recall what type of tobacco it may have been for sure.  I still have the pipe, and it seems fine, albeit not that pretty........
Hmm, I see you only smoke your own made pipes, any special reason or you just like making them?
I've started carving pipes also but, I'm really not interested in smoking my own.
I have a couple of Falcons for traveling too, but as a rule, I make my pipes out of hardwoods I find in people's burn piles in in my piece of forest.. Haven't burnt one out yet, but my oldest is only about 20 years old now. It's of black walnut.

I currently run about 40 or so pipes.  
You know Black Walnut is Toxic right! :suspect:

Light Maple, Olive Wood, Bog Oak (Morta), Manzanita and of course Greek, Italian, etc. Briars are the only safe ones I know of, course there maybe be others. ;)
I now have about 30 odd pipes, all briar but one, meer. I still have the very first briar I purchased 67 years ago; not a great pipe thus seldom smoked, but kept for sentimental value. My history of pipe acquisition is perhaps different than most; for the first 45 years my collection numbered no more than 10 pipes. Since retirement, with more time to smoke I have added 1 or 2 pipes each year.

I was interested in the observation that some assign one (or more) pipes for a particular blend of tobacco. I have never noted a difference between blends depending on the pipe in which it is smoked. Perhaps this is a deficiency in my palate or maybe because all the blends I smoke are fairly similar (English/Balkan).
I have approximately 170-175 pipes and I smoke most of them at one time or another. I have some that I'll never smoke because I want to preserve them for one reason or another but I don't think of myself as a collecor. I'm a pipe smoker that has an enthusiastic interest in pipes. When I reached 150 pipes I swore I'd not buy anymore and I'm sticking to that no matter how many more I end up with. :)

I would guess it depends these days on how often one lights up. If I only smoked once or twice a week, I really wouldn't need more than one or two pipes.
I've got about twenty pipes Cart. and smoke 15. Four or five of them sit virgin because I hate breaking them in, and every once in a while I give one of them away. I guess giving a fresh unsmoked pipe to a friend makes me feel better.
I only smoke a couple bowls a day, mostly after supper so there's no lack of rested pipes in the rack.
I've just been for a count Ron. It didn't take long. 9 briars and 1 'meer. In my eyes the great thing about my pipes is each of them has a story and therefore has a meaning. And I like that. I only get the opportunity to smoke a maximum of 3 or so bowls a week so my stable is ample for my needs. That said, like most a I can be afflicted by pipe lust. What stops me is justifying the outlay on something that won't benefit my family as a whole. When I have more disposable income, I'm sure my collection will grow. That's me!
Cartaphilus":o15hnbj1 said:
Ozark Wizard":o15hnbj1 said:
Cartaphilus":o15hnbj1 said:
Ozark Wizard":o15hnbj1 said:
My grandfather had only one pipe, for about 50 or so years. He smoked rarely, and only Perique. There were occasions (I was told) when he would lighten the flavor a tad with Virginia, but nobody could recall what type of tobacco it may have been for sure.  I still have the pipe, and it seems fine, albeit not that pretty........
Hmm, I see you only smoke your own made pipes, any special reason or you just like making them?
I've started carving pipes also but, I'm really not interested in smoking my own.
I have a couple of Falcons for traveling too, but as a rule, I make my pipes out of hardwoods I find in people's burn piles in in my piece of forest.. Haven't burnt one out yet, but my oldest is only about 20 years old now. It's of black walnut.

I currently run about 40 or so pipes.  
You know Black Walnut is Toxic right! :suspect:

Light Maple, Olive Wood, Bog Oak (Morta), Manzanita and of course Greek, Italian, etc. Briars are the only safe ones I know of, course there maybe be others. ;)

Only if you eat it Ron, and on a regular basis. Horses that 'crib'(Gnaw on wood) have gotten sick and/or died. Black walnut is used for wooden goblets, cutting boards, chopsticks various wooden utensils and there have been no reported deaths. Walnut has been used for bowls since the time of the early European settlers. I have never read anything indicating that the wood is unsafe.

Our salad bowls (given to me by my sister for a wedding present) are walnut -- maybe this explains why I am getting a higher forehead, thinner hair, and forgetting where I last put my car keys? Or maybe my dear sister was getting back at me for all the @#!&# things I did to her when I was younger.

Of course, my llamas, goats, and sheep all strip the leaves and bark off of all the trees they can get to, plenty of walnut, hickory, pecan, oak, they love the taste of cedar, and all they seem to do is breed, eat and sleep.....

I had used the leftovers from milling in my flower garden one year though, and nothing grew. So maybe for plants.....

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