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Mental Illness is a Terrible thing to Waste!
B of B Supporter
Dec 15, 2011
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Hopefully now that I have your attention you will help me with this pipe or should I say bowl I've had stashed away for awhile. It's marked WDC (William Demuth Co.)and it's a figural of a Bull dog with rhinestone eyes. The band and stem are missing and it does have a couple of real minor chips but, I'd still like to restore it to it original self. Has or does anyone know what style stem and band it had originally. Please, if anyone has one or even just a picture of one I would like your help so I may recreate it's missing pieces. Reply to me here, PM me or Email me. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
That is cool! A Georgia Bulldog pipe! :lol:

Good luck restoring that... that is going to be so cool. Can't wait to see it after you get it finished!
SM, Doesn't look like I'm going to get much help around here.
Not really surprised though, this is going just like when I asked help to get a tenon cutter.
A lot views but no replies.
Cartaphilus":x254h6w6 said:
SM, Doesn't look like I'm going to get much help around here.
Not really surprised though, this is going just like when I asked help to get a tenon cutter.
A lot views but no replies.
Pity... I would think it's pretty rare though. Likely not another one on the board. I hope you can find what you need to restore it though. I did some searching on the internet, didn't come up with anything though. :(
Cartaphilus":14i89x9i said:
SM, Doesn't look like I'm going to get much help around here.
Not really surprised though, this is going just like when I asked help to get a tenon cutter.
A lot views but no replies.
I have and had nothing to offer in either case. Glad you found a cutter and good luck with your search.
I wouldn't take is as offensive, instead of clogging your thread with random posts people just let them be when they have nothing to offer that is of benefit. Hope you can find something brother, good luck.
Brother C. I've never seen one like that. But if the tennon hole is as big as it looks I'd say it's a military mount. Most likely with a silver band. Wish I could be more help. Best of luck on this project. Please keep us posted as to your progress.

Hmmm. You only posted this thing yesterday! We're a working crowd and posting on a Friday might not yield the most 'views'. And maybe it's just that no one seeing it knew anything to help. Give it at least a couple of days.

And I thought you found your tenon cutter?

Re: stem material? No actual data, just opinion: I think, given the K-9 theme of the carving that a nice tortoise or maybe brownish or bronze marble or swirl lucite would be an appropriate choice...for 'art's sake'. For historical accuracy? Hard to go wrong with lucite. But depending on the era and what had been done with other by the same might have been amber. In that case a nice butterscotch lucite would replicate that effect pretty well...but of course there's lots of other options. Cumberland?

Just some thoughts. Good luck.
huffelpuff, The shank mortise is about 3/8" suggesting a military mount but, the top of the mortise opening is flat which made me believe it would have been a flush fit with the stem. Now, I'm not saying I know anything about pipe construction because I really don't. You maybe be right and I'll look and see what a military bit looks like on it. It has the Om Paul shape and I tried to see what it looked like with a standard bent stem and it didn't look so good, out of place to say. I have a silver band now for it but it'll need a different one to go with a military bit. I do appreciate your
Blackhorse":c66yyrs2 said:
Hmmm. You only posted this thing yesterday! We're a working crowd and posting on a Friday might not yield the most 'views'. And maybe it's just that no one seeing it knew anything to help. Give it at least a couple of days.

And I thought you found your tenon cutter?

Re: stem material? No actual data, just opinion: I think, given the K-9 theme of the carving that a nice tortoise or maybe brownish or bronze marble or swirl lucite would be an appropriate choice...for 'art's sake'. For historical accuracy? Hard to go wrong with lucite. But depending on the era and what had been done with other by the same might have been amber. In that case a nice butterscotch lucite would replicate that effect pretty well...but of course there's lots of other options. Cumberland?

Just some thoughts. Good luck.
Yeah I know, I get impatient sometimes but, seeing 45 views of the post and not one reply had me wondering why.
All good suggestions about the stem but, I really want to get back to original. If for some reason I just cant get any info I think I just might go with the Amber as you said.
I think it would be a good match...I'll bet Walker's would be a fine resource for that. I guess they just trimmed down their turnaround to something like 4 weeks...and they DO have a history in stems, etc.
Blackhorse, I was thinking of doing it myself but, if I find I can't I'll have the gentleman that does all Walker's Meerschaum repairs do it, he also does many briar repairs and is a bit cheaper and much faster (FN).
A Google search turned this up. The gent mentioned here might be able to tell you something about your pipe. It's possible you can contact him through the Chicago Pipe Club--they have a web site. WDC pipes have not been produced since the 1970's and not a lot of people are familiar with them and if they are it's usually the Wellington line.

On Friday, May 1 at The 2009 Chicagoland Int’l Pipe & Tobacciana Show, Tom Clasen gave a 1-hour presentation entitled, "Collecting William Demuth & Co. (WDC) Pipes & related Tobacciana".

The Program for Mr. Clasen’s talk read as follows; "Tom will speak of the life and times of William Demuth including a few personal glimpses into his life, and he will discuss the wide variety of pipes which have appeared with his distinctive trademark between roughly the 1860s and 1960s. He will discuss several other important people associated with the Demuth Company. Most importantly he hopes to display a selection of WDC pipes and advertising displays representing the various periods during the approximately 100 years of WDC. Tom will also discuss why it is fun to collect these and offer some insights on doing so."
ejames, I seen that and watched the video tapping of that the club put on there website. I reckon I could try to get in touch with him if no one knows anything here. Thank you
If the 'meer specialist' you're talking about is Mike Myers...he's now at Walker's full time and part of their regular staff. Just got that in a newletter I was sent by them yesterday. If it's not Mike (and I have no idea) then...never mind. lol

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