Barbary Coast?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2012
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Anyone here have much experience with this one? What do you think of it?

I am looking for something new to smoke & I tend to lean towards GLP's Original Mixtures because they've been around for a while. I read that some of them are based on mixtures that he blended for Drucquer and Son's. Anyway I am looking for a stouter smoke that has a somewhat decent room note & I figured this one might be worth a try. It seems to have a certain popularity, as it's only one of a handful of Greg's blends sold in a 16oz can. Anyway, just looking to expand my horizons and to get a few opinions.

It's excellent! It's got a lot of dark cube cut burley, ribbons of sweet virginia, and a brandy topping. Gotta treat it like a cube cut and gravity fill, tamping very lightly.
Puff Daddy":gh5ruyil said:
It's excellent! It's got a lot of dark cube cut burley, ribbons of sweet virginia, and a brandy topping. Gotta treat it like a cube cut and gravity fill, tamping very lightly.
Sounds like something I'd like, even though I don't normally gravitate towards liquor infused blends.

Might have to check this one out.


Puff Daddy":n073yqy3 said:
Gotta treat it like a cube cut and gravity fill, tamping very lightly.
Yes! BC is one of those blends that many reviewers report being difficult to light/keep lit. When I finally packed it right, those troubles dissolved, and I found the first tobacco I truly loved.
Excellent. Thanks for the input. I think I am going to slip a tin or two into my next order.
This is my personal favorite Aromatic Burley blend made by GP. Like others have said, it takes the proper packing to keep lit and it's very granular but a super AROMATIC smoke IMO. If you're not an aromatic fan, I don't believe you will enjoy it. Just for thought.
docwatson":kqgkmd6i said:
This is my personal favorite Aromatic Burley blend made by GP. Like others have said, it takes the proper packing to keep lit and it's very granular but a super AROMATIC smoke IMO. If you're not an aromatic fan, I don't believe you will enjoy it. Just for thought.
Thanks Doc. I do enjoy an aromatic smoke as long as it has a more tobacco centric flavor and a bit more body or substance. I am not a flavored Cavendish fan, but I do like mildly flavored or cased burley or VA. I adore scented Lakelands.

Honestly, BC peaked my interest because it's a GLP mixture & I really like Greg's blends, but also my wife hates the smell of most the stuff I enjoy smoking. Truth be told, I am looking for a win/win in that department. :oops: :lol:
DrumsAndBeer":x3n68l61 said:
Honestly, BC peaked my interest because it's a GLP mixture & I really like Greg's blends, but also my wife hates the smell of most the stuff I enjoy smoking. Truth be told, I am looking for a win/win in that department. :oops: :lol:
This blend may do the trick. Good luck with that.
Oddly enough I just opened my first tin of BC. I have to agree with pretty much everything mentioned above. All the GLP blends tend to be a bit moist in my experience and this one is a perfect example. The cut is very granular and at first it was a bit persnickety keeping lit. I would say that I don't typically mind relighting and before long it wasn't an issue anyway. I would offer that I am not a fan of aromatics, but to my tastes this one doesn't scream aromatic. If anything the brandy helps unify the overall taste of the Va Per and Burley. Just my two cents but I think you'll enjoy it.
I don't dig aromatics as a rule but I loves my Barbary Coast...smoked a big bowl yesterday in my Cavicchi (lasted at least two hours with my frequent pauses but smoked it to the very bottom) and another at lunch today. Doesn't have near the topping/casing/ PG that I find in most weeds bearing the appellation "aromatic"..just that hint of brandy.

Yes, it's moist on the tin pull, but after a few days rest it seems to be fine. But I confess to many I could trade that minor annoyance for less moisture, but then I'm stingy with my...oh, oh, gonna use the word here..."aromatic" oils which I don't want to donate to the overtaxed atmosphere.

Yes, packing is key...for me gravity fed with a very light tamp. Puff easy, relight often and no tongue bite....puff to keep it lit and you'll hate the taste as well as the mouth torture. Gently shake loose ash from bowl every quarter inch or so

But it's all worth it IMHO....just a damn perfect blend all the way around and because of the burley content I don't feel bad about not cellaring it.

We have some puffers here that enjoy Barbary Coast and not afraid to say they enjoy an aromatic. And a fine aromatic it is!!!
have you tried Hyde Park by Peterson? it's stout, and more lakeland than aromatic. i wish i would have seen this post before dropping off your margate or else i oculd have sampled you the '08 BC i have. one of the two GLP 'baccys that i didn't like right away. maybe i'll try a bowl tonight and see if i still feel the same way. or if you come to the rose and crown pipe night on the 16th of this month i can bring some for you to try out.
D&B--I've got some in a jar that's been more or less languishing for the last year or so, as it's not something I'm in the mood for often. If you'd like a sample before springing for a tin, PM me your addy and I'll send a taste your way.

You too, Brewdude, just remind me of your coordinates!
somedumbjerk":plcdp7on said:
have you tried Hyde Park by Peterson? it's stout, and more lakeland than aromatic. i wish i would have seen this post before dropping off your margate or else i oculd have sampled you the '08 BC i have. one of the two GLP 'baccys that i didn't like right away. maybe i'll try a bowl tonight and see if i still feel the same way. or if you come to the rose and crown pipe night on the 16th of this month i can bring some for you to try out.
Ha, should've read the whole thread! But yeah, it's one of the few Pease blends I never really warmed to, either. Was actually planning on putting a sample in the package I just sent your way but ran out of ziplocks--don't feel so bad anymore!
somedumbjerk":hq2221vr said:
have you tried Hyde Park by Peterson? it's stout, and more lakeland than aromatic. i wish i would have seen this post before dropping off your margate or else i oculd have sampled you the '08 BC i have. one of the two GLP 'baccys that i didn't like right away. maybe i'll try a bowl tonight and see if i still feel the same way. or if you come to the rose and crown pipe night on the 16th of this month i can bring some for you to try out.
I do have a tin of Hyde Park sacked away. :D

I am going to pick up a tin of Barbary Coast to try and some H&H Classic Burley Cake. We'll see which one wins the spouse approval award.

If this doesn't work, my next move will be reversing the lock on the door to the garage and posting a cautionary "No Chicks Allowed" sign. :twisted: 8)

My pipe will keep me warm at night, right? :p

GrampaGrossbart":86mnmtj0 said:
D&B--I've got some in a jar that's been more or less languishing for the last year or so, as it's not something I'm in the mood for often. If you'd like a sample before springing for a tin, PM me your addy and I'll send a taste your way.

You too, Brewdude, just remind me of your coordinates!
Very kind of you Gramps!



GrampaGrossbart":4p9qjq1m said:
D&B--I've got some in a jar that's been more or less languishing for the last year or so, as it's not something I'm in the mood for often. If you'd like a sample before springing for a tin, PM me your addy and I'll send a taste your way.

You too, Brewdude, just remind me of your coordinates!
Wow thanks, that would be awesome.

will send PM. :D
Just got some so I thought I would ad my say.

Not being a fan of traditional goopy aromatics (those that smell great I the tin/ pouch but taste like sugary ash when lit) I have been looking for something that was a lite aromatic. Something that was slightly sweet but not disgusting. BC is that blend for me.
Gramps did send me a sample a while back, enough for about 4-5 bowls. I have to say I am glad he did,(saved me some cash). Never met a GLP blend that I didn't care for until I smoked BC. The flavor was decent, kind of musty and not too sweet. I didn't care for the brandy topping. Mostly it was a bad match for my body chemistry.
If you don't care for BC, you could give C & D Pegasus a try,
I've had it & their Pennington Gap & they're
pretty decent. The Pennington Gap does have a topping
making it reminiscent of old Drug Store Burley's .

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