I've experienced 'baccy beetles only once in my life, and they came in a box of cigars from a certain island south of Miami!
Upon opening the box (it was Cohiba Esplendidos if you want to know), I saw several sticks with small round holes in them. Being aware of what this indicated, I proceeded to take all the cigars out of the box and found there were several more sticks with holes, sometimes multiple holes. The holes were about 1/16" or smaller I reckon.
When I was removing the last layer, I noticed something moving on the bottom of the box. In fact several somethings! Upon looking closely it was the dreaded 'baccy beetle. Kind of reddish in color but very tiny. I'd say no more than the width of a pin head.
Now, I did have this box in my freezerador for a few days prior to inspection. And then it was a moment of panic when I then proceeded to open up and inspect all the other boxes. No sign of holes or movement there. Fine, but to make sure I put all the boxes in the freezer for a week. Then removed them to the fridge side for a few days before returning them to the freezerador.
I've read that when the critters are first frozen and then thawed, this ruptures their bodies and thus kills them. And some further claim that a dedicated chest or upright freezer is necessary for this particular task, as the freezer on a combination fridge/freezer does not get cold enough in comparison. As well as if it's a frost-free model (as all of them are nowadays), which will alternate between freezing temps and above.
Be that as it may, I don't own a dedicated freezer - chest or upright. So used what I had. And the results were successful. And yes, I realize that the other boxes might not have been infected (or affected)!
I emptied out the freezerador, and sanitized it with a weak bleach spray solution. Kept a close eye on the boxes that had been in there, and fortunately none of them exhibited signs of infestation. Guess the critters in the Cohiba box didn't manage to escape and wreak damage on the other sticks.
So what did I do with the bad box of Cohibas? I returned it for full refund to the guy who sold them to me. He did say if I wasn't 100% satisfied he'd give me a full refund. And this he did.
What I learned from this is that 'baccy beetles are very small, and are likely to be in cigars where whole leaf is used. The likelihood of them being in pipe 'baccy is very small to non-existant due to the various processes it goes through.
All to say that your fears should be put to rest Bugs. Looks like you have some sort of other buggy infestation.
Long winded Cheers