Bow Hunters

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2012
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How many bow hunters do we have here and what's your hunting setup?
Right now I'm using a Hoyt Carbon Spyder FX
Just grabbed a Hoyt Nitrum as well.
Planning to grab a Hoyt ProDefiant when I go back home again.

I did. Shot in the professional level for a time before I discovered tournament bass fishing. My choice of equipment was Ben Pearson 2300, 2301, and 4400 series bows. Tried Hoyt, and Precision (back when they were in IL). But I shot the Ben Pearson the best. You might not recognize them. All high-end round wheel bows.

If you look over my shoulder you can see a couple of my deer. That 16 pointer was the NFAA Diamond Buck for 1981, and would have placed #22 in the Pope & Young Typical Whitetail list at that time.

That's a heck of a buck Carlos. One day I'll have one that size....I hope. My avatar pic is my biggest whitetail so far. Not my biggest animal, but my biggest whitetail.
That's one heck of a buck! :D

I bowhunted for quite a few years using an off the rack Bear compound with a 70 pound draw. Bought it in the late 90's. It served me well enough hunting the river bottom for blacktails, and even hunted elk in Idaho with it. I quit hunting about 10 years ago but am considering getting another bow and using it as a reason to roam around up in the Sierra Nevadas again. There's a bow I was looking at last fall, had adjustable Bowtech cam system, I think it was branded Diamond? Anyhow, I may get back into it this summer. There's an archery club with a nice range just 15 minutes from here.
Yeah the Bowtech Diamond Infinite Edge I believe is what you're referring to. Adjustable draw weight and length. I think they are around 399 or so new if I recall right. I saw a Mathews Creed XS that was a year old for 650 recently. Lots of options out there.
I have a Bear compound bow that's been around for God knows how long. Now a days I don't shoot much though. Not if I don't have to.
I used to shoot all the time. Indoor 300 rounds. Outdoors Field, Hunter, Target, and 3D. I should look at getting back into that. But I am spending all my outdoors time mowing grass or shooting rifle and pistol.
I shoot as much as I can. Had a buddy get me into 3D shoots. Mostly I just try to sling some arrows every day to keep the practice up for hunting season.
I miss my time in the bow stand in Upper Peninsula Michigan. I just can't begin to tell you guys how much. I hope you guys are all having a great season for yourselves. I may gun hunt this year but, it not as much fun or challenging as the bow.

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