Brandy pipe that I did on Saturday (not finished)

Brothers of Briar

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the rev

Well-known member
Oct 8, 2012
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still have to shape the shank bowl junction a bit better, and take out some lumps, but overall I am pretty happy with it so far.

Cool, looks like you got some nice birdseye centered on the sides there. Almost a brandy, almost an apple, let's call it a Brapple :)
Yeah I was looking for a squat brandy, which would also be a tall apple. Brapple sounds too much like something from a kids story. Maybe we can call it an Brandied apple, which sound kind of dessertish, and we all love dessert.

Brapple, brandied-apple, it's cool. I like the fact so many small-time carvers are leaving the briar natural colored. I have a couple of pipes I've carved that I left natural, and they have ended up coloring themselves so uniquely over time as they are smoked.

ummmmmm, yeah, well, natural is cool

but this one isn't quite done yet, and when I am done shaping, and sanding it, its going very dark high contrast stain. But now that I know you like natural... and since we are best friends forever... I will make a natural pipe just for you

oh btw, we don't like being called small time, we prefer to be called "yet to be discovered pipe geniuses"

Oh, "geniuses." I see. My mistake! :lol: :lol!:

Anything that isn't an obvious dark stain or paint I consider "natural." Even putting carnauba wax on the outside causes a serious shift in grain, contrast and coloration, so the term is a bit... erm... inaccurate. Briar is the whole reason why pipes became interesting to me. I love the warmth, look and complexity of wood grain, and good pipes are just little pieces of comfortable furniture for the mouth. So cheers to you genii who let the briar speak for itself, with minimal enhancements.

In that regard, as Yak says, "...pipes are female."

They don't need much to show off their beauty (most of the time)...and scrutinize those that are caked in too much makeup. :lol: Sometimes, though, a little color is good.

pipes are like chicks, got it

and cigars are like men?

the rev":vzw2ox1z said:
pipes are like chicks, got it

and cigars are like men?

Go stale quickly and then are just stinky?? Yup, we have a winner :lol:
