Cesane Pipe??

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2012
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Does Cesane sound familiar to anyone? Never heard of it, but that didn't stop me from buying a refurbed estate Cesane Dublin Supreme size five. The chamber opening is 1" across. The pipe's proportions are perfect, so it actually looks smaller than it is. Very nice smooth grain with two smallish blast patches near the bowl base. Looks hand done. Perfectly balanced -- it sits upright, and if I flip it over it balances perfectly on the rim of the bow. Hand-cut mouthpiece. Seems to like quality aros a lot. But I don't know anything about the brand, even after Googling and searching Pipepedia. Anyone out there hear of Cesane pipes? Nope, it's not Cezzane. Thanks in advance
:confused: I probably can't help (total pipe newb) but at the same time would love to see some pics of this pipe. Pictures would probably help the more knowledgeable brothers out in identifying your pipe as well.
-- I'm one of the last guys on the planet w/out a camera to post pics. Gotta get one and learn.

-- You know, the stamping is in script and that "n" could be an "r." So I'll bet you're right. It is very likely a 2nd, because there's a smudge mark on the"northwest" lower part of the bowl that looks as if someone was a bit clumsy with staining. There's also a tiny "freckle" near the edge of the blast/smooth that might/might not be a fill. If the Cesare theory is right -- I'm betting it is -- this pipe is a good example of the slight difference beteen a "first" and a "second" among higher-end pipes. I also have a billiard, diamond shanked, smooth, Aldo Velani in my hoard. Neither the Cesare or the Aldo Velani look like sitters, but sit they do. And they both have other extra touches around the bowl that show an ingenious, confident carver at work.

Thanks very much.
I'm glad I could be of some assistance. I hope it's a good smoker!
It's a a good looker and a dandy smoker! I just have to be careful about puffing burley with that 1" bowl opening. Either that or don't stand up too fast. But the same thing is a big plus with a bowlful of Rumcake or 191

P.S. If you're curious see the pic on Pipeworks > Huffman Collection > H-23
It's likely a Cesare and you'd be correct to believe that it's a seconds brand. It's Cesare as in Cesare Barontini. The Barontini line would be the better or first quality.

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