Choosing the Right Pipe for the right Tobacco

Brothers of Briar

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Nov 8, 2016
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Hello all,

As a relative newcomer to the pipe smoking world, I am a bit confused about matching the right pipe to the right tobacco for the best smoke. It seems that some of you smoke only certain tobaccos out of certain pipes, based on the size, bowl diameter, bowl depth, shape, briar type, etc...

How does a newcomer figure out what is correct? Are there any "best practices" for matching a pipe to a specific type of tobacco?

I would love any feedback from those more experienced than myself (which is just about anyone, I suspect).

That answer is pretty subjective, according to personal tastes, method of smoking, and pipes available. Recommendations will be as varied as there are pipes and tobacco blends.

On that note, I suggest rotating the blend in question through various pipe configurations and when the tobacco 'sings', you'll have found a match!

That's not to say there may be days when you get something figured out as far as a match, and that particular day, it just doesn't work for you.....

Have fun! :D
I'd agree with the Wiz, BB, that is a very subjective question. I lack the piping experience of most on the BoB so I'm very much in the stage of picking the pipe and 'baccy that tickles my fancy. I get consistently good smokes so I'm happy. Perhaps ignorance is bliss?!

There are those that will say that flakes smoke best in a pot, for example. I don't doubt this for one moment, but being that I don't have a pot (my rack is fairly limited compared to most) I make do with what I've got.

I'm pretty sure a more seasoned piper will be along soon to share their experience with you...
Ozark Wizard":jk05mg77 said:
On that note, I suggest rotating the blend in question through various pipe configurations and when the tobacco 'sings', you'll have found a match!

Have fun! :D  
Way to go! It's a matter of trial and error. You will notice some pipes like some blends more than others. It will take time to figure that out. But, don't worry, as long as YOU HAVE FUN, you are on the right track :cheers:

There are no rights or wrongs while smoking a pipe. It's your pipe and baccy and you're smoking it. Do with it what YOU like.

Just make sure YOU ARE HAVING FUN
I go to the rack, stretch out my arm and grasp a pipe, then load it with tobacco.
Easy, Peasey, Japanesey! ;)
Cartaphilus":v1v3iu64 said:
I go to the rack, stretch out my arm and grasp a pipe, then load it with tobacco.
Easy, Peasey, Japanesey! ;)
...two great minds think alike Ron!
Two things: 

Keep a diary of what pipe you smoked, what you smoked in it, and your verdict on the experience. No need for detail. Just pipe, tobak, good, bad or just okay. Keep for future ref.

Pay some attention to the size and shape of your pipe bowls. Some are cavernous some thimble-size, some are tapered, some have vertical walls, some bowls are shallow ... What you'll find, I think, is that certain tobaccos prefer certain bowl shapes.

I think you can smoke anything in anything, depending on your packing skills. I have some settled preferences that work for me, but other pipers disagree. Just develop a simple system that allows you to make your own evaluations and go from there.
I am a fan of the idea of not overthinking it. Thanks for encouraging me to keep it simple.

Kevin, I think I'll try the journal idea to keep a record.

I have about 5 pipes and the only rule I use is not mixing Latakia with non-Latakia blends. By this I mean that there are about 3 pipes that I never smoke Latakia blends in because of how it can flavor a pipe. If I am going to dip a toe into a Lat blend then I use one of my Lat pipes.

If I smoked aromatic blends then I would probably have at least one pipe only for those since aro's can flavor or "ghost" a pipe.

I will second the idea that certain cuts of tobacco (flake, ribbon, etc) burn better for me in different shapes. For example, I love the look of Poker pipes but the types of tobacco I like don't seem to burn well in them. Or it could be that I didn't devote time to learning how to use it well.

At the end of the day, find what works for you (and your budget) and don't stress. Hope that helps!
One clarification that might save you some time:  It doesn't matter whether the pipe is a poker, billiard or whatever. What matters, I'd say, is the shape and dimensions of the inside of the bowl. That's why online retailers are willing to pay someone to measure and post these dimensions. Yes, some styles of pipes can affect internal bowl dimensions. More Dublins have tapered bowls than not, to cite one example.  The stuff you learned in scouting about "the Fire Triangle" applies to what goes on in your pipe bowl. A shallow bowled Pot, for instance, can pull in more Oxygen than a narrow bowled stack, and the Pot's broader surface can generate more heat. Tedious details, sure, but they do affect your smoke, for those who might be interested.

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