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Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2012
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I love mandatory censorship.

I bought a mobile wifi usb modem while I have no broadband for browsing and mail, and much to my surprise the first time I tried to log on to BoB I got a popup saying the site has been blocked due to content inappropriate for under 18's. Well I'm 31, so bugger off I thought, but their automated system would not accept my credit cards as proof of ID, so they asked me to go to my nearest Tmobile shop and bring ID with me - my nearest Tmobile shop is 40 miles away. Lovely. So I tried their regular support lines over the last day or two, and hung up after they kept me on hold for over 20 mins. I gritted my teeth and sat through it today and at 1 hour 15 mins they answered their phone. I may have mentioned my dissatisfaction at that point, and the poor girl on the other end quickly turned off the block so she could get me off her line. So now I can visit the BoB again! Aren't you glad?

I can understand parents needing tools to protect their kids, but I really object to mass censorship just for their sake. They have the kids, let them opt in rather than making everyone else opt out.

At 1 hour 15 minutes I'd be telling them that I'm switching providers, as the value of my 1 hour 15 minutes adds up to more $$ than their monthly bill.
What a world we're creating for ourselves. :no:

Parenting children is so 1955, we block what we perceive a threats--and so do the companies we choose! :lol:
On top of that, the purchaser, who likely had to be over 18 to purchase a product or service (contracts), must go and provide further proof they are who they are to not have service censorship as the default parameter? All because some brilliant group said, "Gosh, some 15-year-old hooligan might have shoplifted this product, and might be using it to look at tobacco products! Well, we can't have that..." :lol:

Companies (and people) really have lost their minds.

I'm sorry for your runin with bureaucrats, but I must say "Banned in England!" has a certain ring to it as a slogan for this place.

I mean, the UK has daily newspapers with topless women, not to mention a prince running around coked up with his tadger hanging out. So getting banned there is kind of an accomplishment.
That is utter BS.

Carley Foulkes and Catherine Zeta-Jones need to personally visit you and issue an apology as well as a shoulder rub for putting you through the hassle.
I work for Verizon and would be happy to help you switch. ;)

Shameless plug! :cheers:

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