Cornell and Diehl, Irish Blessing

Brothers of Briar

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Oct 10, 2024
Reaction score
PA Dutch Country
Just received a pound of C&D Irish Blessing. Wow! What an aro it is! Bought it because I like black cavendish and after reading the manufacturer teaser on Pipes and website. Smoking it is like drinking Irish Cream whiskey liqueur...well not quite, I'm sure you get the picture. A little moist, so giving it a suntan outside would help that. This has to be the best aro I've tasted after now defunct Scotty's Milk and Honey. Hint of vanilla, topping not overwhelming, tobacco taste definitely there, although more in the background. No tongue bite, no gurgling.
@peter cornbriar
Glad you found a winner. C&D seems like one of the most consistently popular blenders everywhere I look but I haven't tried any of their blends that have really grabbed hold of me yet. As far as aros go, I have found I really like a few by CS. Tombigee is great as is Parsons Blend. I like pistaccio by PS too.

Edit: hold on now, have you tried irish blessing before or did you order a whole pound before having tasted it?