Howdy gents... here's a little pipe story with a happy ending:
I received a beautiful Nording oversized freehand for Christmas -- a beautiful, HUGE pipe. (Almost 8 inches long, and 3 1/2 inches high, and CHUNKY!) Unfortunately, I smoked it once before noticing that the pipe had a major problem: there was a "divot" in the circular drill hole in the shank, where the stem sits, that made it so the fit was not air tight; indeed, it was a major problem in mechanics/air flow. (Regarding the pipe -- it is also worth mentioning that the draft hole was not centered, or even close to centered, in the mortise and that the pipe would not pass a cleaner.) I called our own LL at Precision Pipes, and he talked me into calling Cup Of Joes (where my wife got the pipe) to see what they had to say. Even though the pipe had been smoked, and it was 30 days past the purchase date (two strikes against me), they agreed to allow me to return it. I was surprised and quite happy with their customer service, and highly recommend them. They made it simple, easy, and no fuss. So, the question now is, do I get another pipe, though I am now somewhat wary of Nordings, or do I make a big ol' tobacco order for the cellar, or perhaps some combination of the two...
I received a beautiful Nording oversized freehand for Christmas -- a beautiful, HUGE pipe. (Almost 8 inches long, and 3 1/2 inches high, and CHUNKY!) Unfortunately, I smoked it once before noticing that the pipe had a major problem: there was a "divot" in the circular drill hole in the shank, where the stem sits, that made it so the fit was not air tight; indeed, it was a major problem in mechanics/air flow. (Regarding the pipe -- it is also worth mentioning that the draft hole was not centered, or even close to centered, in the mortise and that the pipe would not pass a cleaner.) I called our own LL at Precision Pipes, and he talked me into calling Cup Of Joes (where my wife got the pipe) to see what they had to say. Even though the pipe had been smoked, and it was 30 days past the purchase date (two strikes against me), they agreed to allow me to return it. I was surprised and quite happy with their customer service, and highly recommend them. They made it simple, easy, and no fuss. So, the question now is, do I get another pipe, though I am now somewhat wary of Nordings, or do I make a big ol' tobacco order for the cellar, or perhaps some combination of the two...