Dating MM cobs

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2011
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Dating of MM cobs is difficult at best. The best option is contacting Marilyn at corncobpipe dot com. They date the pipes by comparing them to their old original catalogs. Unfortunately they are unable to date them by the style of the stickers used. If your cob is old enough to have a screw in bit those date to sometime from the 1930's to the mid 50's. If the screw in bit is bone it's older and obviously if its synthetic then it's newer. I hope this is of some help to you guys.

More info for you guys. The much loved Radio pipes were only produced from the mid 30's to early 60's. It was gone from the line up by the time the Aristocob came out.

On a happy note they are working on a new line of older discontinued models that they are going to bring back! Unfortunately it will not include the Radio pipe as yet. They still don't have cobs large enough.
