Decided to join up - from Houston

Brothers of Briar

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doc alamo

Dec 4, 2009
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My name is Doc and I live in Houston. I smoke mostly Peterson high grades with a few artisan pipes thrown in for good measure. I smoke mainly English and VaPers, but during the holidays I love McBaren's Vanilla Cream. I belong to most of the other forums, and have recognized quite a few fellow brothers of the briar on this site. So, thought I would just dive in and say hello.

Heard you boys were getting snow???? LOL@Global Warming...

Anyhoot welcome aboard.
It was absolutely insane here yesterday. We live on the west side of Houston and we got an inch of snow. Plus, the low this morning was around 25 ... for south Texas!!!!!! We are absolutely NOT used to this kind of weather. The snow fall yesterday was the earliest snowfall on record in Houston!! You guys up north would just laugh ... they closed the schools at noon!! For one inch of snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember being down in Budda about 12-13 years ago and an Ice Dtorm blew through... The radio was reporting they had something like 300 wrecks, before I ever got out of bed...

Bundle up, light a pipe, you'll be ok.
Welcome Doc. You seem to share a love of Petersons with me. Always get a chuckle everytime I hear of those southern states closing school when they get 1 inch of snow. :D earl
Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. I love smoking pipes and in sharing my passion with others. I look forward to learning from the folks here, and in sharing what I can about our hobby.

Earl, looks like we share more than a love for Peterson's ... we share a profession as well. I see you on SF all the time ... but we finally "meet" here on the BofB.

My college is playing a big game tonight against Nebraska ... GO LONGHORNS!! Watching Alabama whoop up on Florida right now ... very exciting. Been staying inside because it is too cold outside for this southern boy!

All the snow has melted, and it should be 70 by Wednesday. Now that is more like it!!

Welcome Doc. Sounds like Texas and Tennessee have one thing in common. If you don't like the weather, stick around a few minutes, it'll change.
Welcome Aboard Doc! Are you sure you don't want any Altadis Blacksburg?

Hook em' Horns!
SailorJack":hkoipfii said:
Welcome Aboard Doc! Are you sure you don't want any Altadis Blacksburg?

Hook em' Horns!
SailorJack, you are truly funny! Actually you would be proud of me ... I bought a tin of McBarens Vanilla Cream. Strongirish has been saying that this is a great, Danish tradition, aromatic. So, I tried it ... must admit it was pretty good ... for an aromatic. I am going to order the new Peterson Christmas blend, which several have told me is a good blend.

So, perhaps I am weakening a bit towards aromatics, but I have a long way to go to accept Altadis!!

Very funny post, however. The offer is following me around the internet boards!! :lol:

Hello and welcome, Doc!

Please don't take offense If I holler out ROLL TIDE ROLL! :lol: Of course, I'll afford you the same with a hardy HOOK EM HORNS! We should have a good game on our hands come January. :cheers:
It will either be a great game or a complete blow-out. Sometimes the hype is greater than the actual game.

It will be a great bowl series this year. I am really interested to see how TCU is playing. To tell you the truth, I am glad we are playing Alabama instead of TCU!! I bet Alabama is glad as well. They look awesome ... who would have thought??


go alabama (ok, that was weak, but what do you expect from a die-hard Longhorns fan). :lol:
